Now this one I am "Very Reluctant" to write. The reason, well you may think I am "bad". I know I am not, I did what I felt best at the time. I will now explain "Sebastians Leap off the bed"....
Sebastian is like 5 months old now. He is a very strong boy for his age. We see him doing more and more every single day. He can't crawl, but he can "scootch" well, and flip over (front to back even). We decided recently, he needs to be in his crib (other room), and not beside us. He used to sleep in the middle of us.
Sebastian was in the crib this morning. Roxann leaves for work at like 8am or so. I really don't wake that early. Sebastian is not used to being alone (Now listen folks, before you fault me).
We have the room (whatever ya call them) walkie talkies. I could hear him "crying". It was like 9am. I was super tired, he was crying. I got up, made a bottle. I brought him into our room. I made sure I put up "barriers". I put up covers/blankets, everything I thought would keep him there in the waterbed. I truely felt he was trapped till I woke. I gave him a bottle (which he loved), and he fell asleep cuddling me.
I fell asleep. Now, sometime during the next hour he woke up. Being the "defiant" and strong baby he is (he gets this from me)he decided to work his way off the bed. He somehow removed all the stuff I had blocking him.....
I didn't see it, but I can imagine what happened. He has been (lately) on his hands and knees. Going back and forth, then he takes a lunge. I knew that, but had no clue he could break the barrier.
Ironically, I was in my best DREAM in a long time. I was just about to get into some chicks panties... then suddenly I heard a LOUD THUMP! Then a very hard CRY!
I jumped up quick as chit, and found Sebastian on the floor. Seems he leaped off the bed on his head.
Well he is alright. I know it hurt, he cried awhile. Then he cuddled me, and tried to go to the bed edge again (think he gets this chit from me.. lol).
Anyway, I really thought he was ok on the bed. He's just growing and doing things so fast. From now on, if he wakes before me (and he will), I'm just gonna go to his room and sleep on the floor. That way I can give a bottle if he cries (cause close), go back to sleep when he drinks, and all will be well in "baby land".
I'm a decent parent.. this one took me by surprise..
Take care all,