Caylee Anthony

Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony
I've held off about this blog for awhile. My reason, I wanted to know "more in my head", what are the known and unknown facts. I've been reading alot, and watching news videos... and of course I don't know what even they know. But I still want to give some thoughts now.
Caylee Marie Anthony was 2 years old. She was "apparently" murdered. Her mother "Casey Anthony", is accused of "First degree murder. Our friend on "MyBloggers: Teacherwoman, is very close to this case. Caylee was her only granddaughter.
To me, I have to be the same. I believe a person is "innocent" until proven guilty. I'll never change that, because I have been accused of (minor) things when I was innocent. That's why I titled the blog: "Casey Anthony", because I hope she gets the benefit of the doubt before the jury, and courts make a decision.
However, much of the evidence to me shows "guilt". Either she did something herself, or is covering up things only she knows. Now this is just an opinion of mine, and I am not trying to make a "trial" here. It just seems, if your 2 year old daughter is missing, you wouldn't hide the fact for a month. That, and many other "Inconsistencies" in statements she made... would lead any thinking person to believe she know's more then she let on. But again, I look at things this way... she is still "innocent" till proven guilty. I hope she is treated as such (as much as possible).. but it is ok to look at facts we know.
I probably spent about 3 hours today reading articles, watching videos. Basically finding everything I could on the case.
I think "OJ Simpson murdered" Nicole. To me, the evidence presented left no doubt. Come on, remember the "Bronco chase".. lol. Innocent people really don't do that. But still, I wanted him to be "treated innocent" unless found guilty. And he was found innocent. So after that, to me he was to be treated innocent.. even though I know 99% of us Americans believe he did it.
In this case, I find it as clear cut as the OJ case. I believe at the very least Casey was involved in a coverup, at most she did something. I believe her guilty, but want her treated as innocent.
One of the things that struck me, is in a video I heard both "prosecution and defense" attorneys (not related to this case) talk about similar cases. Now with "Caylee" Allegedly they found evidence she had drugs in her. Zanax (I think) and Chloroform. Now, she was just Skeletal remains when found. So proving that, or that duct tape on her mouth would be hard.. But the mothers computer, they found her (or someone else) looking up most of these subjects. I'm not gonna say all I found in the news, do your own search.
What struck me, is both said... normally, if all that is alleged.. signs of abuse would be prevalent far before. Normally.. hell this could have been an accident and a coverup. So "Teacherwoman", I am wondering if you ever seen any sign of "abuse" at anytime? If you did.. it probably would mean alot to this case. If you did, and didn't say it you should now. I know "Caylee" spent alot of time with you. I feel you, or your son had nothing to do with it. I'm just saying, if there is anything you held back.. don't. I think your a great person, and a grieving grandparent. Not for just the loss, but allegations about your son (which I see no justification on those)...
If I said anything you "don't like" here, "Teacherwoman" I am sorry. I had no intention to say anything bad, I just say thoughts. I think your "Great".. and hope the truth to all this becomes known..
With Love, Gary
I am sick for the families that loved this child, and for the child herself. I hope that whatever evidence is found, is checked out, is documented and then is given as such in court. Rumour and innuendo are no way to judge.
Thank you for bringing this up. It is important. Like you I have read a lot and heard a lot about this case. I have so many questions, and so much doubt. Doubt about the mother, about the grandparents, about the police and definitely about the media.