By: Jaime Weber

As Daylight Saving Time changes, the Officers and Members of the Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue Squad remind you when you Change Your Clock to also Change Your Batteries in your smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors.

"Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery" has been recognized as America's most effective fire safety campaign, helping families keep safe should fire strike.
Working smoke alarms double a family's chances of surviving a home fire. That's why Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs started the Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery" program 14 years ago. The program reminds people how important it is to maintain working smoke detectors. Each fall when you change your clocks back to Standard Time, remember to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Fire Safety Checklist Install a smoke alarm on each level of your home, including the basement. If you have any questions please consult your fire department for proper installation locations.
Test and vacuum your smoke alarms once a month as dust and cobwebs can impair sensitivity. Change the batteries in your smoke alarms once a year. Depend on high quality brand batteries.
Check flashlight batteries. Always keep a working flashlight near your bed, in the kitchen, basement, and family room-in the event of a fire, use a flashlight to signal for help.
Install fire extinguishers. Be sure to install a fire extinguisher in or near your kitchen and know how to use it. The International Association of Fire Chiefs recommends an all-purpose fire extinguisher that's listed by an accredited testing laboratory.
Make sure your children know and understand fire safety. Children are at double the risk of dying in a home fire, because they often become scared and confused during fires. Show your children where smoke alarms are located. Make sure they recognize the smoke alarm's sound and understand that a sounding smoke alarm signals a home fire
Plan and practice your escape routes. Identify at least two different escape routes and practice them with the entire family.