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Life & Events > Family Trees

Family Trees

I love the TV show Who Do You Think You Are? and the new show on PBS with Skip Gates about Finding Your Roots. (Nothing to do with hair, BTW.) I was so inspired that I joined Easy peasy. I found several relatives that I didn't know I had who have posted family trees. And one cousin that I haven't seen or heard from in 60 years wrote to me filling me in on family news. Many of my cousins on my mother's side are now deceased. We are all getting up there in years, but I still see them as teenagers. Don't you find that as we get older, we get interested in history? But now, history is things that happened when we were children....

posted on Apr 7, 2012 3:56 PM ()


Great! I've been doing genealogy research for many years. Wish I could use the facilities "Finding your Roots" uses! I love that show (although last night's was a bust--Bacon and Sedgwick.) PS: I'm going to Calif. to visit two of my children.
comment by solitaire on Apr 9, 2012 5:30 AM ()
It was funny that Kyra dreaded finding out that they were cousins and it turned out that they were, although very distant.
Are you taking a train the whole way? My mother took a train from Galesburg Il to Denver CO a long time ago and loved it. She took the one with the glass roof on the last car. Have a great time.
reply by boots586 on Apr 10, 2012 2:45 PM ()
I agree that we get more interested in our ancestors (and their descendants) when we get older. That's when we wish we knew more about certain relatives - where did they live, what type of work did they do, how did they die? is very helpful as a basis. I keep saying when I have a block of time to devote to it, I will subscribe to it for a few months; I don't want to get it started and then forget to use it.
comment by troutbend on Apr 8, 2012 10:32 AM ()
I thought about it for a long time before I joined. I had done a small tree years ago but this helped pull everything together. The fact that other relatives had started before me was a big plus.
reply by boots586 on Apr 8, 2012 3:44 PM ()
I am fascinated with history and especially family history. Meeting my
second cousin, three times removed was wonderful, as well as an Aunt that
I had never known of. It was instant family. I love the old stories and
have passed them down to my children.
comment by elderjane on Apr 8, 2012 6:55 AM ()
My daughter doesn't care at all about family history. My grandsons like to hear the old stories, so that is a start.
reply by boots586 on Apr 8, 2012 3:44 PM ()
Found them and not it is over.Got all the history that I need and more without paying a dime.This is for those who want to make a few dollars.Not interested and what is the reason to know if you have not met anyone of them.sorry.
comment by fredo on Apr 8, 2012 5:44 AM ()
I like to know where they came from and how they happened to end up here. One was a wagonmaker in Germany and did the same thing here as a pioneer in the mid 1800s.
reply by boots586 on Apr 8, 2012 3:46 PM ()
I just went there to look. Looked good at first, "free account". Yeah... I think they actually did find my father and grandfather. Grandpop's wife's name looked familiar when I saw it. But I'm not interested enough in those people to pay either.
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 7, 2012 5:51 PM ()
Free for a short period of time. You can learn a lot in that free time and print it out for future reference.
reply by boots586 on Apr 8, 2012 3:47 PM ()
Not interested in my family history or finding any of them!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 7, 2012 5:46 PM ()
The Irish potato famine was the reason some ended up here. It is bringing history to life for me.
reply by boots586 on Apr 8, 2012 3:49 PM ()

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