I've been quite lazy lately and haven't been attending church. Shame on me. I do feel rather guilty about not going. In fact, I miss not going. I especially miss the friendliness of the other church goers and the time we spend praying together.
Now, the messages aren't always so inspiring, but I do like the reading of the scripture and the music. In our church it is a bluegrass style of music with a quitar and a banjo being played. Our church is held in the town community hall. They talk about building a real church, but some are for it and some against it. Personally, I don't care as I can worship just about anywhere.
So, I guess this is sort of a sermon to myself that I need to get back in church.
Ya'll have a nice Sunday.
Annie :o)
Should not blame the church itself,just the man telling the do's and don't