I can't seem to get this bug out of my system. I feel better and then, I feel worse. My throat is still yucky and my head hurts. I also feel sickish in my tummy, but not enough to really get sick.
The battery in my car is dead. That news has JR upset since he is not here to take care of it. I told him not to worry, I'd take care of it. I think I should have just called the neighbor and not told JR. Next time....
I took out Annie Dog's stitches and I'm not happy with the way her surgery turned out. Some of those growths are already growing back. The biopsy did come back and it isn't cancer. They gave it a name, but it is really a long name and I will never remember it.
Well... that is what is happening at the ranch. Really boring.
Later gators - Annie :o)