Wow... it is a blizzard here. I wouldn't mind, but having to go out and feed and water the cattle was almost more than I could handle. The two young men that work for my neighbor came up and helped me. I couldn't have done it without them. I felt sorry for them as they didn't even have gloves. I told them to tell their boss to buy them some gloves. If I had some extra, I would have given them some. But I only have one pair here. JR has the rest in his truck.
I'm giving up trying to keep the dogs in water. I'll open their kennels and leave them open. They can go out to the pond for water and then back in to their kennels for food and shelter. I did take a dry hose down to the corrals and put some water in the frozen cattle trough. Then I drained the hose. Later, I'll go repeat the process.
I know I'm complaining a lot about the weather and I know some of you are battling really bad conditions, too. I think if my back wasn't so weak, I could handle all of this a little better. I'm just glad I had some good help today.
Ya'll take care.
(((hugs))) - Annie :o)