I'm just joking. Actually, my older sister and my niece are coming to visit. They plan to stay several days. My niece is a fantastic cook and I am looking forward to some good eating. (I really don't need to eat much - lol.)
My niece will help me with straightening and some cleaning. My sister will be wanting to play board games and to visit. I think it is going to be a very good week!!!! I know I will enjoy having people around.
Love ya'll - Annie :o)
p.s. JR has some pics of the 4th of July on his new camera. So please cross you fingers for him that he can upload them to his new laptop and e-mail them to me so I can post them. Yep... he has now entered into the tech generation, but it is a struggle for him. Oh well... it keeps his mind off the crazy rude drivers out there. I'm no longer hearing about road rage.. but now it is computer rage. lol