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Life & Events > Relationships > The Wicked Stepmother-me

The Wicked Stepmother-me

We are all familiar with the stories and jokes about the blonds, the mothers-in-laws and the wicked stepmothers. However, I am not blond and haven't been since I was just a wee one. I consider myself an excellent mother-in-law, for I learned my lessons of what not to do from watching my mom. But, when it comes to the role of wicked stepmother, I guess that I take the cake.
Hubby has three sons from a previous marriage--a marriage that was made in hell. Since the marriage was dysfunctional, the three sons have a very difficult time establishing and maintaining relationships. Hubby and I have always been generous to a fault with our children, putting aside our needs to fulfill the needs of them. We have paid for schooling, honeymoons, furniture, a place to live--the list could go on and on. Unfortunately as the words of the song go, you can't buy love!
Two years ago, hubby's stepbrother, who lives in Amsterdam, asked if he, his girlfriend, and her mother could stay with us on their way to stepbrother's daughter's wedding. We said of course. We made all kinds of plans for sleeping arrangements, food, entertainment, etc. They arrived in St. Louis and rented a car. We assumed that they would be at our house in time for lunch. Hubby and I waited and waited. No stepbrother. Finally, he shows up at almost dark. Along with him, his girlfriend and her mother were hubby's middle son and several cousins. I was livid, not for the company, but for the fact that they had not called to let us know that they had stopped to visit at the cousin's house. Hubby and I hadn't eaten, for we were waiting for them to arrive as they had stated that they would. I was livid, not for myself but for the disrespect and rudeness of their behavior. I made the mistake of telling them how I felt. I thought that we were  a family and could discuss things. However, I was wrong. Although they acted normal and socialized, after they left, I guess they decided that I was a witch. Oh, stepbrother decided to say with his cousin rather than us. It is not what you think. Hubby is almost 20 years older than his stepbrother and the cousin is much nearer his age. I guess that he thought that youth has its advantages. So all of the planning and waiting were for nothing.
Hubby and middle son would talk on the phone every week or several times a week. However, hubby would call and no one would answer. His ex wife finally called and wanted to know what in the world Angie had done, for the son was really mad at me. To make a long story short, middle son has not talked to his father for two years. When I found out that son was angry, I wanted to grovel and ask for his forgiveness, but hubby said no that I had nothing to apologize for and that the problem was his. I told him that I didn't care that I just wanted peace between them. But, hubby was firm!
I went to Cape Girardeau yesterday, and I swear that I will never go back. It brought back all of the pain and misery that my reprimand has caused. I wish that I had just kept my mouth shut. As I said, I thought that we were a family and that included all of the good, bad and ugly, but that is true only if you are not a stepmother, I guess.
All of the good that hubby and I have ever done has long been forgotten, and only a small incident in a 20 year span has been remembered. I need help here. What should I do? I feel so bad for hubby.

posted on Mar 31, 2008 2:50 PM ()


I really feel badly that you have had this experience. But I wouldn't enable their bad behavior. They treated you rudely and inconsiderately. Blended family relationships can be dicey — yes, I'm in a blended family, too. But, while you can be encouraging and supportive of fixing the relationship, I think you have to defer to your husband to repair things or not repair things with his kids. Sometimes the step-parent just has to step back.
comment by marta on Apr 4, 2008 3:51 PM ()
It almost sounds to me as if your husband says it's not your problem because he knows there is more to it that has nothing to do with you. In other words, the anger supposedly directed at you could be the tip of the iceberg that shows, and if it wasn't that incident that set things off, it would have been something else. So you shouldn't blame yourself, you were just a handy scapegoat.
comment by troutbend on Apr 2, 2008 4:24 PM ()
Gosh... that is sooo unfortunate. But like your hubby says, the problem is not yours. At least he understands and stands by you 100%... but the deep rooted issues are obviously with his son. If his son is going to hold a silly grudge like that over something so minor for so many years, then there is nothing you can do. He has to find peace within himself. It's a horrible thing to watch, but you can't beat yourself up over it. My father and aunt didn't speak for about 5 years, and it wasn't until he took his heart attack that they bridged the gap. They're still not each other's favourite people, but they get along just fine. I'd hate to see it come to something like that between your step son and your husband... maybe some other relatives can talk some sense into him. He really is being quite stubborn!
comment by mellowdee on Apr 1, 2008 9:29 AM ()

Sorry to hear this is going on...
I agree with the others though, hubby said the problem isn't yours - so let it go as best ya can...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 1, 2008 8:11 AM ()
I understand. Ted's brothers have been mad at us for two years because we turned down an invitation to go to a 4th of July get together. I am the bad guy here because we took my grandchildren to Tinker Air Force Base to a 4th of July celebration.
comment by elderjane on Apr 1, 2008 6:57 AM ()
I love the fact that your husband is completely and totally supportive of you. That's great! Maybe they are mad because what you said was true and they didn't expect to hear or 'want' to hear it. That's what it sounds like to me. I seriously wouldn't let it drag you down. I know it must be difficult to constantly have to deal with it, but I agree with your husband. It's their problem, not yours. They should have had the courtesy to at least call you folks and tell you that not only were they going to be late but that they were bringing more guests with them. That's courtesy. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time with this. You deserve better.
comment by hopefields on Mar 31, 2008 10:51 PM ()
Oh, Angie.. This is a terrible position they have put you in. You know, you are a good writer. If you wrote it down just as it happened, and sent it to the stepson.. If he really looked at all of the facts in black and white, written as you have here, he probably would understand. If he doesn't, then he doesn't deserve to have a relationship with such a wonderful stepmom as you!
comment by sunlight on Mar 31, 2008 9:20 PM ()
well that is just terrible on their part! I am glad that your hubby is on your side in this. I don't see where you did anything wrong. they were the inconsiderate ones and you called them on it. do not go groveling to them begging forgiveness.
comment by elkhound on Mar 31, 2008 6:39 PM ()
There isn't anything you can do, since the "problem" isn't yours. You had every right to be annoyed with the prospective guests' behavior, and their reaction is just that--theirs, and there is nothing you can do to change that. Sometimes the world isn't what we think it should be, but there's an old saying: "It is what it is". Sorry you're taking this so hard...
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 31, 2008 5:01 PM ()

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