All of the subbing has caused me to fall behind in my housework, and if you know me at all, you know that I cannot stand filth! So yesterday, I attacked the dirt and hair with a vengeance. While I was trying to work in the kitchen, Mcduff was worse than a toddler. He would cling to my leg, get between me and the sink and push with his head--he wanted his treat. What could I do but stop and give him what he wanted. Moving to the furniture to vacuum the hair , I encountered sleeping cats. To move them brought a protest and disbelieving look. Stiff legged they moved from the furniture, looking back with their disgust well evident! Making the beds was a major feat! They love to play beneath the sheet and spread! I would grab and move them from the bed, but they would immediately jump back, digging their way beneath the covers. After repeating the process about four times, I finally achieved the goal--making the beds! Cleaning the bathrooms stimulates their curiosity. They must be up on the counters or hanging over the stools, or on the side of the tub watching the water go down the drains!
Eventually I guess I wore them out. All day I worked, yet whenever I encountered the cats, they were resting peacefully except when distrubed by my noise or acitivity or when they had to eat or use the litter box. Did I mention the litter box. They love a clean box and will immediately have an urge to relieve themselves as soon as I scoop! I clean that blamed litter box almost as often as I flush the stool!

After spending the day cleaning and observing my little furry critters, I was hit by my epiphany! I want to be some one's little furry love baby in my next life. Then I might sleep peacefully, have my pots cleaned, my food and treats lovingly prepared for me and never, never run a vacuum, clean furniture and curtains, or dust again!