Daisy AsIf


Daisy AsIf
Cross Lanes, WV


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Life & Events > Weekend of Mishaps

Weekend of Mishaps

Friday went well. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was pretty laid back. I love laid back days. And the house was super duper clean. Grace spent all day with us, which is rare because she's such a grandma's girl. We spent our time reading and playing games.
Saturday I was the hostess to one of those "invite your friends to buy overpriced items" party. It was a nice time out for me, even if it was just for two hours because the girls stayed at home with dad and I was free of worry. I don't get a lot of those free of worry times, you know.
Mak didn't sleep very well last (Saturday) night. She was up a couple of times. I had just gone to bed around 2:30 in the morning when she awoke. Again. Da Man was in the bathroom so I decided to put her in bed with me for some of that rare Mak and Mama time. Ha. Right before three in the morning she became a little antsy. She was so tired that she didn't know what to do with herself. So she decided that the best way to avoid sleep was to start being a heathen.
She started with biting the side of my hand. And then she headbutted me in the shoulder a couple of times. Suddenly the singing and playing we had been doing wasn't so cute anymore. Da Man walked in the room and asked what we were doing. In response, she threw herself backwards and clocked me square in the nose with her head.
Now I don't usually cry from pain. I take things like a big girl, but I grabbed my nose and through tears said, "Please take her because I think she just broke my nose and I'm going to cry." Da Man took her and put her in her bed while I lied there in the bed and bawled. At first it was a cry because the pain was fucking excruciating. And then it became a cry for a lot of reasons.
Da Man didn't know what to do with or for me, so he lied beside me and stroked my head, telling me that it was alright. I don't know at exactly what point he realized that it wasn't just the pain in my nose that was making me cry. Maybe the realization took place when I began saying through sobs, "I don't know why she's so mean. I haven't done anything differently with her than I did with Grace. Why is she like that? Biting and headbutting? Yelling all the time?" He was at a loss for words.
I took my aching nose to the bathroom where I could sit and sob in peace. And sob I did. I sat there on the toilet and cried and cried. I don't know what things were making me cry, but I know there were a lot of them, if that makes any sense at all to anyone but me.
Finally I got it together enough to head back to bed. "Are you okay now," he asked.
Again with the tears. "No. Look at my fucking nose! It's swelling and it's red. And she hit me so hard she made my period start," I wailed. Now I know that her headbutting me and breaking my nose didn't make my period start, but we all know how it is when you enter that "poor poor me" door.
I can honestly say that I have never felt a pain in my nose quite like this one. All day my nose has been stuffy (from the swelling, I am sure)and it has itched like the dickens (now *that's* a country term for you). Shit, it hurts.
We headed off to our monthly game of bunco tonight. Mak was like a crazy child. I ended up spending more time trying to entertain her than I did actually playing the game. Grace and the hostess' daughter of the same age were playing. They have a love/hate relationship, those two. After three hours together they began losing their social graces. The hostess' daughter came running downstairs sobbing because Grace had bitten her. And she had indeed bitten her. I was shocked when I saw the mouth imprint on the girl's arm. But I knew that Grace had to have been somehow been provoked because she's not aggressive like that. Besides knowing that my demon child was the topic of discussion after we left *ha*, that was about all of the Grace drama for the night. But Mak was a different story.
She was in the play room with the girls and seemed to be content. I decided to slip outside for a smoke break. I knew she would try to follow me and forgot all about the step from the playroom that was about three inches high. As soon as she saw me leave I guess she crawled out of the play room to follow me. And yep, you guessed it, she did a header onto the linoleum floor in the kitchen. She didn't appear to be hurt, but there was a red spot on the side of her head.
As we were loading the van to come home, the harness of her car seat slipped and flew back, my hand on it, and hit her square in the face. She cried. I cried. I was so upset with the fact that she had just been whacked in the face that I was a nervous mess.
Needless to say, I am glad we finally made it home. What a weekend. It's one of those weekends that make me grateful that tomorrow is Monday.

posted on Apr 13, 2008 10:36 PM ()


I've done that - had my hand slip and whack a kid. In my very limited experience, I agree with JanetK that the second ones are usually heathens. I know that my #2 is (looks like an angel, acts like the devil).
comment by imaginaryfriend on Apr 14, 2008 7:44 PM ()
What can I say...I feel your pain..My son was sitting on my lap and reared back with his whole body and his head hit me in the nose too. I looked like a raccoon for a week or more. Sometimes crying helps get all the stress out..*huggers*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 14, 2008 9:47 AM ()
It really doesn't have anything to do with raising Mak the same as Grace... the second ones are just usually hethens. Michael is really into throwing himself back right now and it scares the dickens out of me.I know that I owe you an e-mail and this post just nails that for me.
comment by janetk on Apr 14, 2008 9:38 AM ()
A weekend you are grateful tomorrow is a Monday???
Now that is foreign to me...
I hope your nose is feeling better.. OUCHY!
I thought it was kinda like a given that when one child is awesome the next is a terror... hang in there!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 14, 2008 8:56 AM ()
Children can try our patience. Did you happen to see the picture of Madonna a few years back when she was sporting the black eye because of a head butt from her daughter? Even this shall pass.
comment by redimpala on Apr 14, 2008 5:22 AM ()
Just keep repeating, "We/they only hurt the ones we/they love."
comment by nittineedles on Apr 14, 2008 12:54 AM ()

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