Daisy AsIf


Daisy AsIf
Cross Lanes, WV


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Life & Events > The Way I See It

The Way I See It

This is the way I see it:
You were brought into my life because you were supposed to be brought into my life. There is a lesson that is to be gained from every single person we encounter. Sometimes that lesson is immediately evident, sometimes it is hanging in the space just outside of our understanding, waiting to be joined with other lessons until all the pieces are there to make the lesson complete.
We were brought together because there is something from me that you need, just as there are parts of you that I need.
You may leave, or may have already left, my space in a beautiful or peaceful way. Or you may leave, or may have already left, my space in a harsh and crass way. Either way, you were supposed to leave my space, and I was to take the event and learn from it. I need that event in order for me to be shaped into who I am to be. My life's path would not have been possible had it not been for that event.
Maybe you have yet to leave my space. But when you do, or vice versa, it will be for the same reasons.
And I believe it goes both ways. You need the experience of me to shape the being that you are to be. It's all related.
It's easier to think you have someone's purpose figured out when they have been in your space for a prolonged period of time. But what about the woman that strikes up a random conversation with you in the checkout line? What about your mailman? Those sort of interactions are a bit harder to figure out, but I believe they're important. And yes, they're hanging out in that space just beyond our understanding.
I believe that our lives are mapped out for us while we are in the womb. But I believe that we are given free will. So God/The Universe knew we were going to be right where we are spiritually and morally at this very point in our lives. HE didn't, however, put the route on mapquest, which is probably for the best because how many of us wouldn't try to avoid the hard paths. Why would we knowingly take the path that was going to cause us pain or heartache? Loss? Difficulties? 
I believe that The Universe has a mystical core to it. Believe in miracles? That's magical. Believe in Jesus turning water to wine? That's magical too. Just sayin'.
I do not believe that we are created to be sad. I do not believe that we are supposed to sit around and mope solely because it's easier to mope than to really dig your heels in and stand back up. It's sometimes easier to lie on your back than battle the fear of being knocked down again.
But I also believe that we are given the space to feel disappointment and hurt. But I think there's a point where we need to listen to that little voice that says, "Stand up. Dust yourself off. There's shit to do."
When I sit and ponder the thought of a Heaven, I imagine an unearthly space, filled with billowing wisps of souls. White and serene.  A lot of beautifully natural light. And beautifully natural Light.
I imagine constant movement, constant energy. I imagine cloud-like objects lined with pixie dust. I imagine pure spiritual energy. The vibe I imagine leaves me breathless. Energy, the pure energy of souls united and dancing to music that needs not to be heard.
I imagine constant growth and transformations (sort of like an angel receiving its wings). And it's beautiful to me on so many levels.
So thank you. Thank you for being a part of my destiny. Thank you for showing up and leaving when you were supposed to. Thank you for helping to make me "me.".
**Keep in mind that these are my thoughts and subject to change at any moment.**
***Know that I know angels with wings exist because I have seen them. Three angels came to take my grandma away, and it was the most astoundlingly beautiful and peaceful event I have ever witnessed, not to mention the one thing that I know without doubt that I will never forget.***

posted on Nov 26, 2010 7:59 AM ()


comment by troutbend on Nov 26, 2010 6:53 PM ()
What an awesomely beautiful post.Actually having time to feel disappointment or sadness is big for me because I truly believe that we need to feel before we let something go so that we *can* learn from it.I will add a heaven story to your post...

After my children's great grandfather passed away (they were very close with him and grieved in that primal, gut wrenching way that children can grieve), Erica asked me if there was dancing in heaven. I said that I thought there probably was. Then she asked me if I would die before her. (Kids and their frankness, eh?). I said that in all likelihood, I would. Then she asked me if MJ had gone to heaven. Of course, I said I thought he had. Then I asked her why....

"Well, I was just thinkin' that when I get to heaven I'm gonna find you first and then we can find Michael. And I was thinkin that maybe we could just dance and dance and dance. But then I was thinkin that I might be too tired cuz I gotta find my Apple Drapple (the great grandfather whose name she could never say), too! And he always liked to dance."

What's a Mom to say?

I told her we could dance together.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 26, 2010 5:36 PM ()
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 27, 2010 8:07 AM ()
I personally think that the dancing will be constant. Thanks for the story. Your kids were blessed to have met their great grandfather. I love the way kids envision things. Funny because Grace was happy that Charlie (her pap) would be able to dance in heaven too because he would have two legs. Dancing seems to be an important thing.
reply by walkwithgrace on Nov 27, 2010 6:22 AM ()
You rock.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 26, 2010 8:57 AM ()
Why, thank you, K. And thanks for being in my life.
reply by walkwithgrace on Nov 27, 2010 6:22 AM ()

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