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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Snowbound


We got 6 inches of snow over the last 24 hours, but I could get out and drive around if I wanted to or had some place to go.

This is from our local newspaper, the Estes Park Trail-Gazette.


But since I've nowhere to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Today I worked on a complicated knitted hat project, while listening to a murder mystery audio book set in Scotland. The narrator has a lilting accent, easy to listen to. I download books from the library: e books and audio books, depending on which format is available for a particular book.

Lying low, I have avoided the Super Bowl fever that has taken over in Denver. The fans have always been very loyal, filling the stadium even when the team hardly ever won a game. Even in the years that our team wasn't in the big game, Super Bowl Sunday has been a high holiday at our house, so imagine how it is when our team is playing. We don't dress up in the colors, but we have special food. Even this year when we are separated by many miles, Mr. Troutbend and I have discussed our respective menus. He bought some potato chips, a rare treat at our house, and I bought those Little Smokies sausages and Woodchuck cider.

I'm going to fix them a couple of ways: in barbecue sauce, and another batch in sweet and sour sauce. Maybe heated up plain and dipped in mustard. However prepared, they'll get old fast, and there will be leftovers. Not exactly gourmet, but festive for here.

If I was in Las Vegas, we'd have my cousin over for the day. She'd feast on chips and sub sandwiches and V-8 juice, her favorite. She calls me almost every night and has let me know how disappointed she is that I'm not there to have her over, and her birthday was yesterday and she's also disappointed I'm not there to bring her a chocolate cake and ice cream. Apparently Mr. Troutbend is not going to do this in my stead - she's not related to him.

posted on Jan 31, 2014 5:28 PM ()


Really cool micro lens photo! We're expecting more snow the next two days. We have a break and then another storm rides in on the jet stream. A record 70-plus inches of snow has fallen this winter, most in the past seven weeks. Most ever since the 1880s here. We are all a bit beleaguered.

Thanks, too, for the reminder about 'lil smokies. I forgot how good they are, even with the nitrites.
comment by marta on Feb 15, 2014 7:49 PM ()
A bunch of snow like that wears a person down, it builds up and doesn't go away, and then more comes on top of it.
reply by troutbend on Feb 25, 2014 9:53 PM ()
I can't drum any interest in pro teams but I do hope your team wins!! Little
sausages are always good.
comment by elderjane on Feb 1, 2014 9:02 AM ()
My cousin Betsy calls pro football 'real football' as opposed to college football.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 4:01 PM ()
we are not football fans in my house. we probably won't tune into the game at all. now when nascar starts back up, that's a different story!
comment by elkhound on Feb 1, 2014 6:08 AM ()
Nascar! It's always interesting when they come to Las Vegas - all those fans with their clear plastic tote bags containing headphones so they can listen to the conversation between their favorite driver and his crew.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 4:03 PM ()
Had history of super bowl in local paper yesterday and game will be shown on SBS TV. American football is played here but not a lot of it.
Had one aussie player take up offer to play over there, others playing baseball as well
comment by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2014 9:53 PM ()
Many of us watch it just for the commercials and an excuse to eat fun junk food for hours. And drink beer or other alcoholic beverages.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 4:04 PM ()
And we will hit the 80s tomorrow!
What's the Super Bowl???
What's a leftover?
comment by greatmartin on Jan 31, 2014 7:51 PM ()
I am picturing the GreatMartin refrigerator: carrot cakes. Just wall-to-wall carrot cakes.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 4:06 PM ()
We had 2 inches of sleet then 2 inches of snow on top of it. Made driving less than desirable.
comment by larryb on Jan 31, 2014 6:05 PM ()
Oh, goodness! I don't envy you that.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 4:07 PM ()
Your cousin has a lot to be annoyed about. I am already annoyed by the hype around football and not having my cake and my cousin would make me very cranky. Smokies sausages sound calorically evil. Go for it. I know each snowflake is unique, but usually you can't see the design with the naked eye. Are those snowflakes in the photo fo real?
comment by tealstar on Jan 31, 2014 5:48 PM ()
They have a good photographer at that newspaper, so I'm sure those flakes are for real. I did buy the pork/turkey/chicken Little Smokies instead of the All Beef. Hah! Nasty processed stuff. At least I didn't buy any of that neon cheese for nachos. No chips, either - I have baby carrots and celery sticks.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 4:09 PM ()

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