He wrote this in an email today: "Another day, another 1.5 million miles around the Sun: the sun angle changes are starting to be significant. There’s actually some sun in the back yard towards late afternoon."
I think it's poetic.
Some good news: I found out that we need to be getting ready to plant native grass seed mix on our flooded land and new river banks so weeds don't get established. In addition to buying the seed, we had to figure out how to plant it on steep banks and large areas.
I emailed the highway department to see if they plan to do some hydroseeding* along here where they have repaired the road (including the side of my driveway) and they DO have plans for that!
I'll still have places I have to figure out for myself, including 1/3 of a mile up a side stream, but at least that big steep bank is going to be taken care of.
You all are going to see this picture so much, it's becoming my icon - similar to be represented by Mt. Rushmore or Devil's Tower. It truly is the most important thing around here.
*They mix seeds, fertilizers and sticking agents in water and spray it on the raw dirt, using big snow-blower type machines. I don't know about where you live, but here in Colorado we see it along the Interstates after they do dirt work - it's a blue-green color.