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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > The Poet

The Poet

I've told you before how Mr. Troutbend is a man of few words. There is a joke about how some men have a daily word quota, and beyond that, they do not have much to say. Since he speaks so seldom, I treasure whatever I can get out of him: the only clue to what he thinks about.

He wrote this in an email today: "Another day, another 1.5 million miles around the Sun: the sun angle changes are starting to be significant. There’s actually some sun in the back yard towards late afternoon."

I think it's poetic.

Some good news: I found out that we need to be getting ready to plant native grass seed mix on our flooded land and new river banks so weeds don't get established. In addition to buying the seed, we had to figure out how to plant it on steep banks and large areas.

I emailed the highway department to see if they plan to do some hydroseeding* along here where they have repaired the road (including the side of my driveway) and they DO have plans for that!

I'll still have places I have to figure out for myself, including 1/3 of a mile up a side stream, but at least that big steep bank is going to be taken care of.


You all are going to see this picture so much, it's becoming my icon - similar to be represented by Mt. Rushmore or Devil's Tower. It truly is the most important thing around here.

*They mix seeds, fertilizers and sticking agents in water and spray it on the raw dirt, using big snow-blower type machines. I don't know about where you live, but here in Colorado we see it along the Interstates after they do dirt work - it's a blue-green color.

posted on Jan 28, 2014 6:34 PM ()


This may help you with your planting efforts. In my prairie restoration work, we have had occasion to plant on steep slopes. We mix the seed with Perlite first. This spreads the seed out a little. The seed is easy to see on the ground when it is thinned with Perlite. Perlite is also a soil conditioner available from garden centers or online. We scatter by hand, sometimes raking it in with a four pronged rake, sometimes just letting nature take its course. Once I remember using a mesh landscape fabric to hold the seed in place. The sprouts just grew up through the mesh. We held the mesh in place with some kind of pegs which were removed later but the mesh stayed.
comment by boots586 on Feb 1, 2014 8:28 PM ()
That's good to know, thanks.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 9:13 PM ()
great to see things are on the mend after all that flooding
comment by kevinshere on Jan 30, 2014 8:49 PM ()
I will be glad when summer comes and we can get to work putting things right. Now, I'm just doing the minimum to survive.
reply by troutbend on Feb 1, 2014 9:12 PM ()
Still waters run deep. I wish that I could read thoughts sometimes.
comment by elderjane on Jan 29, 2014 2:46 AM ()
When we're working on a project, he barely speaks, and I usually know what he thinks I ought to do next, but that's not intuition, it's logic.
reply by troutbend on Jan 29, 2014 7:34 AM ()
Mr Troutbend is just trying to keep you guessing.
They spray that stuff along the highway embankments around here too.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 28, 2014 8:46 PM ()
It really surprised me. All those thousands of miles together in the car - nobody saying a word, no music, and he's thinking about the planets and who knows what all. I was afraid to ask the highway people about the hydroseeding for fear it's out of style and I'd look stupid to them. Apparently it's still the thing, so I'm okay for now.
reply by troutbend on Jan 28, 2014 10:10 PM ()
Something sounds wrong to me--YOU have to buy and plant the seed???They don't help? What happens if you don't buy the seed???
comment by greatmartin on Jan 28, 2014 7:48 PM ()
If we don't buy the seed, then we might get weeds on our property and they figure that's our problem. If our neighbors don't like living next to a field of weeds, they can glare at us, but can't do anything about it. With the warmer climate trends, weeds are more aggressive and take over worse than ever: some people don't care.
reply by troutbend on Jan 28, 2014 10:13 PM ()
We have a very delicate situation: the Coalition that is obtaining grant money and trying to help us with millions of dollars worth of work on the river is made up of fishing interests who don't live here (city yuppies) and the landowners are scared stiff that their hidden agenda is to obtain easements that will allow them to fish wherever they want, regardless of what the landowners want. So the Coalition is very careful to make it clear that it is entirely up to us if we want to be helped, and we have to start out as if we have to pay for it all ourselves so we understand what the stakes are - not just have everything handed to us for free. Eventually, the landowners are going to realize they need the help, and they'll get over their hesitation until things are fixed, and accept the grant money. Then they'll hate the fishermen again.
reply by troutbend on Jan 28, 2014 10:07 PM ()
Oh, I've seen that blue-green stuff, being sprayed along the highway embankments. By the way, don't you think the Devil has an awful lot of real estate? Every mountain has some piece called the devil's backbone; in one of those flood videos the man mentioned the Devil's Elbow, maybe it was a turn in the river; and there's Towers and Caves and all sorts of devily stuff out in the wildlands.
comment by drmaus on Jan 28, 2014 7:25 PM ()
You are so right! I can think of several Devil names around here. And the Devil uses other names: there's some guy we've never heard of who has quietly bought up whole neighborhoods of old cabins in this area, including those above me - out of sight, but we can hear them shooting guns all the time. One of them is named Heap High Hut, which is such a cute name;I hope it doesn't get re-named.
reply by troutbend on Jan 28, 2014 7:37 PM ()
Poetry and progress!
comment by marta on Jan 28, 2014 6:53 PM ()
Usually all he says is 'today I bowled 239, 186, 250, and we won all our games.' I was really surprised that he's got poetry in him.
reply by troutbend on Jan 28, 2014 7:32 PM ()

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