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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Roadtrip Fantasy

Roadtrip Fantasy

Years ago our hobby was going to used book stores. Armed with our want lists, one August we made a big circle through the midwest. Searching out the good stores we found there is a difference between a paperback exchange and a used book store, although we found a few books we wanted at the exchanges. Many of our favorite stores had resident cats and we spent a lot of time playing with them.

Iowa - Pella (annual Dutch festival), Knoxville (home of midget racing), Beaman (went to a family reunion there once).

Minnesota - Wabasha (cat hotel where you can borrow a kitty to keep you company in your room), Minneapolis (Uncle Edgar's and Uncle Hugo's bookstore - mysteries & science fiction & a Twins game in the Hoover Dome).

South Dakota - Tea (that's a town, they have a really good steakhouse)

Nebraska - Grand Island (trains being shuffled in the railyards kept us awake all night).

We didn't go to Indiana or Ohio that trip, but have been through them at other times, and another year we went to Oklahoma and Kansas.

I miss these trips and want to go again without the bookstores. This time I would visit my blog friends, just a quick visit with each. All it takes is some rearranging of priorities and schedules - as if that would be easy.

Anyway, that's my dream.

posted on Aug 1, 2008 9:14 AM ()


I've thought of doing that myself! I would start in Maine...oops, sry, Nova Scotia...then Maine, then travel through NH and MA, out to NJ, Kentucky and Tennesee, down to Florida, over to Alabama, and continue out to California, head north through San Francisco, and then work my way back to RI, doing scallop-shapes across the country to I wouldn't miss anybody I know. I think this would be so neat!
comment by donnamarie on Aug 29, 2008 7:55 PM ()
We even have a casino Ms. T. My sis and her husband used to
gamble there for a syndicate (meals and gas and $25 an hour door to door, W2 forms and all the rest; winnings to the syndicate, of course), till they and their group did so well the casino upped the odds and the syndicate dropped their efforts at that location. My b.i.l. was the brains behind their success and the syndicate wanted him to relocate to the East coast, but he didn't want to leave this area so they stopped doing that.
comment by tealstar on Aug 4, 2008 4:01 AM ()
This post reminds me of all the days my husband and I would take mini trips to go antiquing. We covered just about all the ground in Southeast Michigan. We should do that again... hmmmmm....
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 3, 2008 12:01 PM ()
Sure wish gas wasn't so expensive. I retire and prices go through the roof. Bad timing.
comment by solitaire on Aug 3, 2008 7:46 AM ()
I have so many miles on the roads that they have
lost their appeal. Now I hate to even go to town.
Sad, isn't it?
comment by larryb on Aug 2, 2008 10:58 AM ()
Haven't done a road trip in years. Two cats, one of whom is
a phobe, make it difficult nowadays. What a sweet idea to visit
your blog friends. Don't forget Florida's Gulf coast! I spent
a summer as a child (6 or so) with my mom and sis visiting my mom's cousins in Grand Island, Nebraska. Their farmhouse was in the middle
of nowhere, nothing to see in any direction for miles, just
what I remember as vast desert, no trees, (one in their yard). The
husband worked on the railroad. Did all that really happen? Sigh.
comment by tealstar on Aug 1, 2008 7:49 PM ()
I love road trips also,it is a challenge to me.
But now no one want a challenge.
comment by fredo on Aug 1, 2008 12:29 PM ()
Next time y'all are headin' down to Vegas on I-15, when you go thru St. George, UT, they have a used book store that I find to be exellent. Their hours are a little funny, tho, so if you're interested in stopping there next trip, let me know & I'll get you the hours and give you the directions. It's about 8-10 min. off the interstate.
comment by looserobes on Aug 1, 2008 11:39 AM ()
I love road trips and am especially looking forward to the next one.
comment by elderjane on Aug 1, 2008 10:11 AM ()
ah roadtrips... DO IT AGAIN!!! Ya only live once!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 1, 2008 9:23 AM ()

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