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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Real Live Grinch

Real Live Grinch

Somehow, even though it's the time of good cheer I keep coming across these downer news items.

A woman is in jail here in Las Vegas for stealing $28,000 worth of toys and gift cards purchased with funds raised by the local firefighters.

For a couple of years, at least, she posed as being in charge of a non-profit agency and applied for the gifts and gift cards she claimed she would hand out to deserving children. People got suspicious when someone reported she was selling brand-new toys out of her house for $100 a bag. She gave some the gift cards to friends and relatives to use, the rest she used for herself.

Making a long story short, here's how they caught her:

On Dec. 8, undercover detectives, with the help of the Burn Foundation, provided Lopez with bags of toys, $10 gift cards and a bicycle and kept her under surveillance, the arrest report said.

Over the next few days, the report said, detectives observed Lopez buying personal items, such as shoes, sweaters and underwear at two different Walmarts with the gift cards they believed they had given her.

Detectives provided Lopez with more bags of toys and gift cards from the foundation on Dec. 14, and again watched her buy personal items at the Walmarts.

Among the items she purchased with gift cards were groceries, a Christmas tree and a car battery, the arrest report said.

Police estimated that they had given Lopez roughly $1,500 worth of toys and gift cards during the undercover sting.

Lopez held a Christmas party on Dec. 18, but did not give out any toys, as she had promised Burn Foundation officials, to some 30 children on hand, the arrest report said.

Detectives did not observe any children leaving the party with toys, and one child at the party was seen crying because there were no toys.

"This operation points to the fact that Lopez does not have any intention to hand out toys to needy children, and she received the toys for her own personal gain," the report alleges.

During a raid at Lopez's house Monday morning, police found five bags of toys, the bicycle and several gift cards they had given her on Dec. 8.

Police also saw the Christmas tree she had purchased from Walmart on Dec. 14, and it appeared to be decorated with other items she had purchased that day, the arrest report said.

Lopez admitted that she was not a licensed teen counselor and that The House of Teens of Nevada had never received IRS approval as a nonprofit organization, the report noted.

Police said they found Lopez to be evasive and "deceitful," as they interviewed her before taking her into custody."

See that part in bold text? What a lot of nerve to have 30 kids to her house for a Christmas party and not give them a single gift to take home.

posted on Dec 24, 2010 1:47 PM ()


Thatis just like a local charity here that was paying outrageous salaries
while the charity went broke. They are begging now...duh. I will never
donate another nickel to them.
comment by elderjane on Dec 25, 2010 4:15 PM ()
Administrators everywhere are paying themselves huge salaries and meanwhile the little guys get laid off because the profit margins are too low.
reply by troutbend on Dec 30, 2010 10:23 PM ()
No comment neccessary.
comment by solitaire on Dec 25, 2010 6:21 AM ()
Glad they caught this scumbag and she's in jail. Makes me sick. Here, several days ago, a local food pantry found their food stores for their community Christmas dinner for a hundred plus poor and needy families had been stolen, leaving the kitchen bare just days from the event. The pantry folks were shell-shocked. The community rose up and contributed more food than they had in the first place, and they were able to have an even bigger Christmas dinner for needy folks on the same day as planned, which was a blessing because our city is so depressed economically. The cops haven't caught the jerk thieves yet, but I pray they do. Maybe they can fry them in the turkey fryer. Yeeesh.
comment by marta on Dec 24, 2010 8:34 PM ()
These stories always remind me that we all thought the Sopranos were so entertaining, and how many movies do we see where the protagonist is a small-time crook for whom we're rooting - these 'little' crimes are their bread and butter.
reply by troutbend on Dec 24, 2010 9:48 PM ()
Oh, that's just so sad all around.

When we were kids, my Mom used to say that people like that (and worse, of course) had "crooked paths in their brains". Stories like this make me think she was onto something. How screwed up must one be to do such a thing?
comment by juliansmom on Dec 24, 2010 6:32 PM ()
I think crooked path in the brain is a good description of what is wrong with sociopaths, those people who don't even realize they are lying because they lie all the time, and they don't see anything wrong with playing the system because they are owed by society.
reply by troutbend on Dec 24, 2010 6:41 PM ()
But I wonder what they will do with her? Scam artists who take advantage of Christmas and kids and needy people are the pits. There should be stronger punishments for these crimes.
comment by tealstar on Dec 24, 2010 6:15 PM ()
Sounds like she's got their attention, hasn't bailed out of jail yet, so the system isn't making it easy for her.
reply by troutbend on Dec 24, 2010 6:21 PM ()
Guess I am going to hell for this is my special place
We will always have low life/s in this world.Look at Sarah Palin
comment by fredo on Dec 24, 2010 2:30 PM ()
Don't say that to the Tea Party or whomever it is she has latched onto lately.
reply by troutbend on Dec 24, 2010 6:23 PM ()
There are some real low life's in this world. Hell will have a special place reserved just for them, I promise.
comment by redimpala on Dec 24, 2010 2:08 PM ()
People like this stay awake at night figuring out how to beat the system and don't care who the victims are. They always think the rest of us have done them wrong somehow and owe them a living.
reply by troutbend on Dec 24, 2010 6:24 PM ()

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