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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > The Old Days

The Old Days

Lately I have been corresponding with a woman who lived on some of our property in the early 1970s and managed the camp ground for the people who lived in what is now my red log cabin. Here is one of her memories:

"One year this older guy and his son rented a camping space. The son was about 16 or so. They were from back east as they had very heavy accents. My kid memory, connected with my adult knowledge, wants to say they sounded like Boston residents. Anyway, the kid climbed the hill and sent a lot of large rocks down on the western side of it. They landed in the river but my mom went flying down to the father who standing down by the river encouraging his kid to start throwing the rocks. She was so mad and I swear she was riding a broom since she got down there faster than was humanly possible.

My mom and the kid's father started arguing. She told him his son had to get down off the hill. The father spit in her face and my mom hit him across the face with the hairbrush she was holding in her hand.

We kids were about ready to take a piece out of the old guy (he was probably all of 40 but to us he was old) when he started having some kind of heart attack. He had pills in his pocket and my mom had to give him one. After that he became very friendly and called his son down from the hill. Nice kid was so busy destroying everything he didn't see his dad act like an ass and collapse after a woman hit him which he richly deserved for spitting.

They left soon after with both sides declaring a truce in the war of the hill but it will forever live on in my family history. These days spitting is considered assault due to the numerous diseases that can be transmitted. I wonder if that guy ever thinks of us?"

She sent me this picture because it shows the bridge in the background that was washed away by the big 1976 flood. It was a rickety little bridge but before the late 1930s it was part of the main highway to Estes Park.

posted on Aug 23, 2010 11:48 AM ()


Interesting story -- cute kitties!
comment by nangrey2012 on Aug 25, 2010 2:25 PM ()
I think those kids were probably a handful growing up, and they've had interesting lives, not the least of which was those days back in the 70s.
reply by troutbend on Aug 26, 2010 11:17 AM ()
Pretty neat. And some bridge!
comment by solitaire on Aug 24, 2010 1:34 PM ()
There were people who came back every year to camp there, and I'm sure some of them probably left their trailers there year-round, cheap storage. I wish I remembered more about all that, but when we were kids we didn't live here so weren't here so much, and to us the campground people were just a bunch of strangers.
reply by troutbend on Aug 24, 2010 7:05 PM ()
The kids probably had a big tin tub to bathe in. They must have had to
carry a lot of water. I am looking forward to more stories.
comment by elderjane on Aug 24, 2010 6:17 AM ()
Yeah, I want to ask her more about that trailer. She doesn't have great memories about their rough living conditions. At least they were out in the fresh air. I feel sorry for those children because they are all very bright, interesting people but never had the chance to go to college so the boys at least struggle to have fulfilling jobs. This gal is married to a police detective in Omaha.
reply by troutbend on Aug 24, 2010 7:07 PM ()
Charming picture of the kids. What a sad family. Will be waiting for the next chapter.
comment by tealstar on Aug 23, 2010 9:28 PM ()
They lived here 'before the flood' that changed our landscapes and our lives around here. It was a time that I was in college and living out of state, so I'm learning what went on here then since both my parents aren't around any more to ask.
reply by kitchentales on Aug 23, 2010 9:51 PM ()
comment by jondude on Aug 23, 2010 6:12 PM ()
It's so much fun to find out about someone else's dysfunctional childhood. Makes me feel normal.
reply by troutbend on Aug 23, 2010 6:59 PM ()
Interesting times indeed!!! I am glad the guy came to his senses... I can't imagine someone spitting in anyone's face!!! How rude...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 23, 2010 2:04 PM ()
I'm looking forward to more of these stories. These children grew up in a very interesting situation because eventually their dad ran off and left the mother with the four kids living in a small house trailer with no running water, and he eventually ended up in prison for life (I don't know what for, maybe she'll volunteer that detail some time). They carried buckets of water from a hand pump in the campground and used the campground's outhouse. I don't know where they took showers.
reply by troutbend on Aug 23, 2010 6:56 PM ()
Boston = Red Sox fans = spit
reply by jondude on Aug 23, 2010 6:13 PM ()

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