Heartened by this small success, I decided to go big with a raised bed garden kit that I ordered online. Mr. Troutbend had to assemble it, and it came with 300 screws of varying sizes.
He had to make a level spot at the back of the yard for it.
There were lots of parts. These supports hold up heavy plastic trays that have drainage holes in them.
He put a layer of gravel for drainage, just like a flowerpot.
We put in a layer of dirt and then chicken wire with heat cables tied to it. The cables are controlled by a thermostat and are supposed to heat the dirt to 73 degrees. We have been out there several times poking it with a thermometer, and it's running about 65 degrees. It might hold the heat better when our weather gets warmer: it was 50 degrees here yesterday, and 39 overnight.
The dirt is a mix from the landscaping place - topsoil, sand and compost. I don't think it has enough organic matter, so when I plant something I stir in some potting soil.
It came with a clock timer that turns on the water to the soaker hose, 16 programs available, and there is a built-in handheld hose for spraying all over the place.
We planted one of some things - one cabbage, one cilantro, one hot pepper - just to see how they will do.