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Hobbies & Games > Family Photo Scanning

Family Photo Scanning

I have several boxes of old family photographs, some dating back the 1880s. Just about everyone on my dad's mother's family tree prior to 1955 is represented, and a good number of the other branches of my relatives.

There are a lot of large portraits of individuals and brides. This is my dad when he was a young boy, it measures 8 by 11 and is in a nice folder.

I have the pictures sorted into large envelopes by family and these are only two of the boxes.

I had these out in case I would need to evacuate because of the forest fire, and then a long-lost cousin stopped by and I promised to scan some of the pictures and send her a DVD.

This is my grandmother (little girl on the right), her mother and siblings in 1892 before they moved from Ballston Spa, New York to Berthoud, Colorado on the train. The dad was already in Colorado. He was a superintendent of schools in New York and founded a bank in Berthoud.

In 1961 my grandmother wrote a narrative of their move to Colorado and mentioned that the Thompsons, a wealthy family in Ballston Spa loaned my great grandfather money to invest in Colorado, and he always paid them back. Looking through what I have, I found several photographs of people in Ballston Spa who are not related to us, and there was a picture of Mrs. Thompson. The writing in blue just below the picture is my grandmother's hand and it says: "Mrs Thompson Wealthy Family Back East."

One of these days I will try to track down the descendants of some of these people who aren't related to us to see if they want some of these pictures of their ancestors.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures, Lizzie Hallowell, my great-great-great grandmother and the house at 127 Front Street in Schenectady, New York where she lived. I used Street View in Google Maps to visit that site, and looks like it's been torn down, but I recognize the corner. I scanned them as one because they belong together.

posted on Sept 23, 2010 9:02 PM ()


I love genealogy - it inspires me to delve into the history of the places these people once lived in. I have found that by doing just that, it doesn't take long for the 'romantic' notions I may have held for that era, soon disintegrates. They were hard time (even for the wealthy) when you consider the lack of amenities with which we, take for granted nowadays. They were 'tough'.
You are lucky to have so many old photos, they are such a fascination of mine
comment by febreze on Sept 28, 2010 3:27 PM ()
I love looking at old photographs...I am interested in the fashions of those years when they never had washing machines...
comment by aussiegirl on Sept 25, 2010 6:35 AM ()
I think they used a lot of petroleum-based spot removers in those days, but it does make a person wonder how they managed without dry cleaning. What amazes me is the old western movies where women are traveling in stage coach in fancy white dresses, and only a little tiny suitcase. It seems like the dresses would be brown with dirt in no time. Of course movies aren't the best place to find out how people really lived.
reply by kitchentales on Sept 26, 2010 1:16 PM ()
wonderful, so beautiful!
comment by anacoana on Sept 24, 2010 1:03 PM ()
Isn't that wealthy lady's dress something? You can see just the edge of the bustle. That picture was taken in 1892 or so.
reply by troutbend on Sept 24, 2010 3:26 PM ()
Scanning and "computerizing" these photos is great (and amazing). I'm envious. And your 3X great grandmother looks like you, I swear!!!!!
comment by solitaire on Sept 24, 2010 8:48 AM ()
Probably so, since I think I have more of a resemblance to my cousins on my dad's side than the ones on my mother's side.
reply by troutbend on Sept 24, 2010 9:31 AM ()
It's wonderful to have a record of your distant ancestors. I have some of my grandparents but nothing more. The time line blows one's mind.
comment by tealstar on Sept 24, 2010 6:51 AM ()
I'm an accidental genealogist because I ended up with all these family photos going back so many years. I more baby pictures of various relatives than their children do, and I can look at an unmarked photograph and figure out who that baby grew up to be. But I still have a big mystery pile.
reply by troutbend on Sept 24, 2010 9:34 AM ()
Wow! What a treasure... you really should read the new Wally Lamb book - you'd relate!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 24, 2010 5:57 AM ()
I'll put it on my winter reading list. Thanks! Always looking for a good book.
reply by troutbend on Sept 24, 2010 9:35 AM ()

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