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This Oughta Be Good

Food & Drink > Recipes > Eggnog Recipes

Eggnog Recipes

This one sounds good, but I've never tried it.

6 large eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup chilled dry Sherry
1 cup chilled Drambuie
4 cups milk
1 pint vanilla ice cream, softened
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

In a large bowl beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture is light and pale. Add the sherry, Drambuie, milk, ice cream, and nutmeg. Beat until combined well. Transfer to a chilled punch bowl.

NOTE: this recipe is from back in the day when people ate raw eggs. If you want to, you could cook the eggs, milk, and sugar until custardy (see recipes below), chill it, and add the rest of ingredients. I am inclined to think that the Drambuie will kill any germs.

This is a lower calorie recipe from Eating Well Magazine. The custard element provides thickening instead of heavy cream.

1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 large eggs plus 2 whites
8 cups skim milk, scalded
2 teaspoons vanilla
Pinch of nutmeg
1/2 to 1 cup brandy, rum or whiskey
Whisk together sugar, flour and salt in large, heavy, non-aluminum saucepan. Add eggs and egg whites and whisk until smooth. Gradually whisk in milk.

Cook over low heat, stirring with a metal or plastic spoon, for 15 minutes, or until custard has thickened enough to coat the spoon. Immediately remove from heat and strain into a bowl. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, at least 2 hours or overnight.

Before serving, stir in vanilla, nutmeg, and liquor. Pour 2 cups of custard into a blender and add 2 ice cubes and blend until frothy. Repeat with remaining custard. Serve immediately.

This one is middle of the road:
1 quart milk
1 cup sugar
4 tablespoons flour
pinch salt
6 eggs, separated
vanilla to taste
1 pint light cream or half-and-half
Rum, whiskey or other liquor

Heat the milk until tiny bubbles form around the side of the pan. While it's heating, toss the sugar, flour, salt, and egg yolks into the top half of a double boiler and mix them well. When the milk is hot enough, add slowly, stirring constantly. Place over boiling water, and cook, stirring often, until it coats the spoon like a smooth, clingy cream. Take off the heat, add vanilla, set aside to cool. When cool, stir in the light cream or half-and-half; then beat the egg whites until they're stiff, and fold them into the nog. Spike with whatever and garnish.

posted on Dec 23, 2008 1:23 PM ()


Well, okay, I might try to make the lower calorie one. I can drink it even if it isn't Christmas, right?
comment by tealstar on Dec 28, 2008 5:50 AM ()
I like the kind with heavy cream, but you knew that didn't you?
comment by elderjane on Dec 26, 2008 7:09 AM ()
Back when I wasn't counting calories I liked commercial eggnog well enough and would add rum. I got really sloshed one Christmas drinking nog and writing cards. I started sending more than one card to people I really liked. Don't think I am cut out for making it from scratch, as you well know.
comment by tealstar on Dec 23, 2008 5:50 PM ()
Hate eggnog of any kind not my thing.
Surely thinks sounds great.
You have alot of eggnogers out there.
comment by fredo on Dec 23, 2008 2:02 PM ()
I think I like #2
comment by grumpy on Dec 23, 2008 1:38 PM ()

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