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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Cleaning Out the Closet

Cleaning Out the Closet

Mr. Troutbend and I share a walk-in closet that isn't huge, but it's nice enough. This fall I noticed that some of his clothes had crossed the dividing line into my territory. And he had a bunch of boxes of his stuff on the floor of his side so he couldn't walk very far into his part, which is probably the cause of the encroachment. This is the sort of thing that needs to be nipped in the bud, because next thing we won't be able to get in there at all.

There is a charity pick up tomorrow, so we agreed to sort out some clothes to donate. I came up with lot of things - mostly dressier outfits that I wore to work when I had a job. His contribution was a few short-sleeved sport shirts, but didn't put much of a dent in the closet situation.

So I dove in and helped him go through his side in great detail. Sometimes it's easier for someone else to do that kind of thing because they won't stop until it's done.

We came up with some sweaters he wore 40 years ago, keeping two of them so he wouldn't feel he'd sacrificed deeply, and donated the rest. Some of them got thrown away. I discovered several shirts he didn't know he had, which he was pleased to pretend he'll wear bowling.

At the current level of clothing, he could put on a clean shirt every day, and not have to do laundry for more than a year.

Some of the tee shirts are collectors' items: they commemorate various Super Bowl games and casinos that no longer exist. He's got a hand towel from the first game at Denver's Invesco Field: the Denver Broncos vs. the New York Giants. It was on September 10, 2001 - the day before 9-11. Well, of course he can't part with that.

I found my jewelry box where I'd hidden it. Oh there it is! Don't worry, I'll put it somewhere safe and forget where that is.

It has been more than a year since Las Vegas has had freezing temperatures, and none in sight. Our roses still flourish.


posted on Dec 13, 2012 9:18 PM ()


People make a living going through other people's closets. Have you thought about doing this as a part time job?
comment by boots586 on Dec 17, 2012 1:49 PM ()
It's easier to make decisions about other peoples' belongings than our own, that's for sure.
reply by troutbend on Jan 3, 2013 4:16 PM ()
I try to go thru my closet pretty regularly...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 16, 2012 4:33 PM ()
You probably don't have the OCD gene that some of us do.
reply by troutbend on Jan 3, 2013 4:16 PM ()
Now that I live alone, I have no excuse, and I have made a real dent donating things in good shape but ones I just don't need or desire to wear. My issue is my sentimental attachment to a few things, things that have wonderful memories, and then there are the things that just need "a little" mending.... [Sigh.]
comment by marta on Dec 14, 2012 7:38 PM ()
I think we all have those sentimental things that we should probably figure out a way to hang onto, even if via photograph. I have a piece of fabric my mother cut out to make a pair of slacks for herself, and they are often hovering around the trash can, but then I decide it doesn't take up all that much room, and what's the harm in keeping it, so it finds its way back to the fabric house. Heck, what's the point of having a whole little house for fabric if it can't accommodate some memories?
reply by troutbend on Dec 15, 2012 10:23 AM ()
Sounds like my closet
comment by larryb on Dec 14, 2012 6:14 PM ()
I found myself saying "You don't really want to store your shoes THERE, do you?" That was code for: I don't like your shoes there because they are too close to my half of the closet, and I'll have to go around them all the time.
reply by troutbend on Dec 15, 2012 10:15 AM ()
Ed too holds on to things. And buys more all the time which is why there is no room in our dressers or closets. I must confess I should go through my own space but it is mechanically a large chore that I haven't wanted to deal with. It isn't the decisions, it's the work.
comment by tealstar on Dec 14, 2012 4:07 PM ()
When we bought this second home I was determined that it wouldn't get all choked up with stuff (not very successfully). I think of it as a Winnebago that we don't want to get all weighted down as we navigate down the highway of life.
reply by troutbend on Dec 15, 2012 10:13 AM ()
You two sound just like the two of us!
comment by steve on Dec 14, 2012 7:03 AM ()
Bless his heart, he's a good sport about it, but I know he would be just as happy doing his crosswords and talking to the cat. I'm just as bad as he is, but I don't want things to get out of hand.
reply by troutbend on Dec 14, 2012 10:52 AM ()
Every year around this time I go around getting things together to donate-- like that shirt I fit into for 2 minutes and was never able to wear again that I keep in hope but gave up--over the counter items I bought but never used or have too many of like bandages--do I really need that cassette player that I haven't used because I gave away all my cassettes? In a way it is fun!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 14, 2012 7:02 AM ()
There's always that hope that we will wear a given item again. It is a wonderful thing, that day we are able to look objectively at something we thought we'd have a use for someday and finally let it go.
reply by troutbend on Dec 14, 2012 10:40 AM ()
I would like to donate a whole lot of stuff!!
comment by elderjane on Dec 14, 2012 6:00 AM ()
He pointed out that this organization will be back again in a couple of months, pretending he might let go of more stuff then. I doubt it.
reply by troutbend on Dec 14, 2012 10:42 AM ()
It must be a "man" thing. DH has clothing in his drawers and our closet that isn't fit to give to Good Will.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 14, 2012 12:38 AM ()
I'm sure it is a guy thing. There must be a little movie in their heads about someday being homeless and needing many layers of clothing. He sees himself lying in a doorway wishing he still had that skimpy J.C. Penney acrylic sweater from 1977; it would make all the difference in the world.
reply by troutbend on Dec 14, 2012 10:28 AM ()
bloody hell ---dont come near my wardrobe ---my condolence to you hubby
comment by kevinshere on Dec 13, 2012 11:10 PM ()
Oh, I know, and I feel a little guilty about it. He was probably more stressed out about having me rummage through his precious clothes than he let on. You would laugh if you saw the piddly little amount he set out for the trash (and it has not been hauled off yet so he could get it back).
reply by troutbend on Dec 14, 2012 10:10 AM ()

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