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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Cat Internet Sites

Cat Internet Sites

In sorting through my papers, I come across URLs for websites that I jotted down or cut out of the newspaper years ago. As fast as the Internet has evolved over the years, it makes me wonder how many of these sites still exist.

Right now, I'm looking at an article dated Tuesday November 1996 about websites related to cats in a newspaper called Computerlink.

I googled the eleven URLS provided, and here are the ones that still exist:

Why Cats Paint Home Page I've known about the painting cats movement for a number of years, but have yet to decide if it's tongue in cheek or maybe done with laser pointers.

Does Your Cat Own You? This is an old joke that has been circulated via email for many years. The URL in the article doesn't work, but I've provided a link to a similar site so you can see it.

Bad Kitty/Bad Human List This is another long list of cat traits written in a light-hearted manner that someone has compiled. It's so long as to be over-cute and therefore mind numbing to the point of being irritating.

Problem Behavior in Cats This is a thread - questions and answers on a website called "Pure Parenting" apparently the contributions are from the most anal people ever. Very nauseating.

The Main Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association The old URL is gone, but they have a new URL. I used to think that Maine Coon cats came only with tabby markings, but they are all colors.

Here are a couple of them who lived in my rental cabin in 2006. This is my kitchen when they were visiting and heard a mouse.

This is what my cat Buddy would look like if he was a Maine Coon cat, not a lot different, but Buddy doesn't have those tufts on his ears:

I don't know how the person who wrote this article back in 1996 chose the sites that were listed, and maybe back then there weren't so many. Today, if you want to know anything at all about cats, just type some random thought into your search engine and meander along wherever the Info Highway takes you.

posted on Apr 14, 2011 4:30 PM ()


I have the "Why Cats Paint" hardcover book. Cute!
comment by jondude on Apr 15, 2011 5:55 AM ()
I don't think Buddy would enjoy painting but maybe working with wet clay.
reply by troutbend on Apr 16, 2011 1:02 PM ()
Of cdurse, Cats almost always own their humans. I think the most endearing
thing they do is bring their favorite catches to you. I have been presented with birds and bunnies and mice many times. You just have to
remember that you have equal status with their kittens and not let it
gross you out.
comment by elderjane on Apr 15, 2011 5:06 AM ()
Reminds me of when we had to catch baby chipmunks that the cats next door put into the bathtub.
reply by troutbend on Apr 16, 2011 1:03 PM ()
when we had Elvis I was tempted to get a door matt that read "A Cat and It's Housekeeping Staff Live Here"

yer "your Fancy Feast is served, suh" pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 15, 2011 4:34 AM ()
For sure. Whenever I get a little irritated with some awkward thing we have to do to appease the cat, I think about how guilty I'll feel after he's dead and I didn't do that one little thing for him.
reply by troutbend on Apr 16, 2011 1:04 PM ()
Great, fun post!
Like Teal, regarding the "Does Your Cat Own You?" list, I plead guilty on about 50%.
comment by marta on Apr 14, 2011 7:56 PM ()
We had to put a regular size litter box inside a larger one, both filled with kitty litter so there is a moat. He keeps us busy trying to think of solutions to the problems of aging kitty cat.
reply by troutbend on Apr 16, 2011 1:07 PM ()
I think most of my 'favorite web sites' are gone and adding
insult to injury the NY Times is now charging to read it on line!
Like your cat sites my birds sites have come and gone
comment by greatmartin on Apr 14, 2011 5:20 PM ()
Blogs have also made it possible for more people to share information without having to run their own site.
reply by troutbend on Apr 16, 2011 1:09 PM ()
I looked in on the "does your cat own you" site and out of 51 items, can say I am guilty of at least 18 or 20. But I do move Brunswick if he is in the middle of my bed space when I want to go to sleep. He takes it well. However, I cuddle him and apologize first
comment by tealstar on Apr 14, 2011 5:04 PM ()
When we think about it, just about everything owns us in one way or another, but cats are more fun to deal with than plumbing.
reply by troutbend on Apr 16, 2011 1:11 PM ()

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