This weekend is the US Nationals (America's Cup) in Colorado. Marek is heading up an international team which includes Longmont's (Colorado) Rob Kolanda.

Guide Wallace Westfeldt and Marek Walczyk.
I was honored that they came to my property out of all the fishing available on a rainy weekday afternoon, and relieved that the fish were biting so they had a good time. The key to good fly fishing is to know which bugs are hatching so you can pick the right artificial fly for your hook. And being able to read the water. And being able to handle a fishing rod. And the fish in the mood to be caught.
We have at least one sucker fish here on the property, reported to be about 18 inches long. There are suckers stocked in Lake Estes above us, and these strays have made it through the dam. We don't want them here eating our trout eggs. One of the guides caught it the other day and threw it back, but I'm going to post a sign for the fishermen to keep it when they catch it, or throw it on the riverbank for the minks or the fox or even the bear should he be so lucky.

Even though the name sounds derogatory, they are supposedly good eating.