Ray had another follow-up visit with his podiatrist. The doctor took a look at his foot and continues to be pretty pleased with how well things are healing up. While he still has an open wound on the surgical site, it is definitely closing up really quickly. In fact, we had already noticed that we were having to make the bandages smaller when we are changing them each morning and evening.
The doctor also showed him a new way to put the bandage on. According to the doctor, the foot is pretty much healed except for one little "crack" that is remaining. The rest of the site has filled in nicely. The doctor wants to make sure the crack heals from the inside out rather than closing up and creating an abcess. I am pretty good with that because I am all set with people in my life having abcesses, since that is what Ray and Jolie basically both had already.
Ray was really excited about how things are going, and I am too!
20 days until I start my new job!