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Life & Events > Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin Spice

Yes, it's true that one time the reason I drove from Colorado to Oklahoma to visit Jeri was to take a bottle of Bailey's Pumpkin Spice liqueur to her. One reason it was so compelling was I so seldom come up with an idea of what to give someone, so when I think of something, I have to act on it.

Part of my problem is I have so much stuff in my house, all wonderful things that I inherited or acquired back when I was young and foolish about money, I can't imagine adding more to it, and I transfer that feeling to my friends and acquaintances: can't imagine that they want more stuff, either. Food used to be a fool-proof gift until all the gluten-free, vegan, low carb, non-alcoholic, you name it, lifestyles came along.

Sometimes I have made hand-embroidered dish towels to give as gifts. The fabric is old-fashioned muslin, big squares of it that are handy for snapping at people (or flies) in the kitchen once the dishes are dried, or could be used for first aid bandages and slings if needed. But my esteem of these items is probably much higher than the potential recipients' and besides a lot of the friends my age and older already have drawers full of hand-embroidered dish towels they made when they were younger. And I think younger people who never hand-dry dishes haven't a clue what to do with them.

Speaking of pumpkin spice, I just saw a recipe for pumpkin spice coffee. This is naive of me, but I thought there would be actual pumpkin in it, with spices so it might taste like pumpkin pie. No. It's milk, coffee, sugar, whipped cream, and pumpkin pie spice, a bit of a letdown. To me, it would taste like sweet milky coffee with nutmeg/cinnamon/allspice/ginger etc. for flavoring. No pumpkin.

Speaking of flies, the other day I was at someone's house and what I thought was an over-done squirt gun that resembled an assault rifle was a salt gun for killing flies. The official name is A-Salt something. It uses common table salt in scatter-shot spurts to kill flies. Because it doesn't get as close as a fly swatter, they don't see it coming, so it's reasonably accurate. I told someone about it, and they were horrified at the thought of all that salt getting sprayed around the house. I didn't look closely, but didn't notice that being a problem at that house where we were happily killing or at least stunning flies. Vacuum cleaner would suck it right up. I was going to get one, but the reviews on Amazon seemed to trend toward the parts wear out in a few weeks, and no replacement parts are available. I considered buying two so I'd have spare parts, but if it was always the same part, that wouldn't work for long. I'm going to give it a pass, stick with the old-fashioned fly swatters, work on my accuracy.

I think I might have seen a mouse scurry across the rug out of the corner of my eye. Going to go find the cat.

posted on Sept 25, 2018 8:54 PM ()


"Food used to be a fool-proof gift until all the gluten-free, vegan, low carb, non-alcoholic, you name it, lifestyles came along." NOT ME!!! I eat all the old lifestyles--just in case you didn't know that!
I am NOT a pumpkin lover though I will eat pumpkin pie or as a side dish but it isn't something I would make for myself.
comment by greatmartin on Sept 26, 2018 12:29 PM ()
I wonder what the next flavor fad will be. I can remember when carrot cake was all the rage - you have kept it going.
reply by traveltales on Sept 26, 2018 3:04 PM ()
Your muslin dishtowels should appeal to people interested in recycling and environmental concerns, but it's true most friends we know already have lots of their favorite towels. I recently read several articles detailing how much crap is released into the water by synthetic fabrics every time we wash our clothes, and it made me wish I could phase out all my synthetic fabrics. Also, I've been irritated for a long time by the difference in terrycloth towels as they're made now. I swear there is something about the content or the yarn that makes them all far less absorbent than older cotton terrycloth towels. And don't get me started on microfiber. The only items of it I can tolerate are FlyLady cloths, which are made in a very specific way. I could rattle on longer about my fabric peeves, so I'd better stop.
comment by drmaus on Sept 26, 2018 12:02 PM ()
I bought a thing called Cora Ball that is put in the clothes washer and are supposed to trap the microfiber plastics to keep them out of the downstream environment. It was also supposed to trap human and pet hair, but I don't see that it's working for that. I'm not sure if it works or not, but found out there can't be any towels and certain other fabrics in the load because it tears them up. If you want one, let me know and I'll send you one. I bought three for the volume discount, and will probably never get the use out of them because I don't want to sort my laundry loads so closely.
reply by traveltales on Sept 26, 2018 2:53 PM ()
At a recent lunch, my friends and I were discussing the current pumpkin spice craze. One friend had purchased a powdered pumpkin spice coffee stir-in flavoring mix that had was really a flavoring chemistry kit, and was surprised by the weird aftertastes. So she discovered the ingredients listed no pumpkin anything and artificial cinnamon and artificial nutmeg and artificial cloves. Gag!
comment by marta on Sept 26, 2018 10:59 AM ()
Now I'm hungry for homemade pumpkin pie. Just now I looked, and Trader Joe's has a pumpkin butter that could be stirred into hot milk with the spices and maybe some rum. That sounds more honest.
reply by traveltales on Sept 26, 2018 2:39 PM ()
A salt gun is a great idea! The corrosion is a problem, though.
comment by jondude on Sept 26, 2018 7:18 AM ()
The salt is dry, so unless there was moisture like high humidity or condensation on glass, it would vacuum right up along with the dead flies.
reply by traveltales on Sept 26, 2018 2:27 PM ()
I loathe flies and mice and sometimes we get a plague of both. I think mice came in to escape the heat and Ted and Jose seem to linger in an open door too long.
comment by elderjane on Sept 26, 2018 4:23 AM ()
We didn't have as many flies in the house this summer and fall for some reason.
reply by traveltales on Sept 26, 2018 2:28 PM ()

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