OH...this brought a tear to my eye!...I miss my Mother so so so much. She too, like your Mother told me every day she loved me...and there were always kisses. She would hold my hand a lot too..even when I became an adult. I wish I still had mine...and I am glad you still have yours..
Go to the flea market..lol...I side with Roxann on this one. I have been forever telling my husband to take his glass to a flea market..I think people who do flea markets like to see new stuff at times...give it a try!
Thai food is the best!!....and I know about the anxiety thing been suffering with it for 20 years....but my dr wont give me xanex cos it is so addictive. I have something that helps...but not all that great. Best of luck to you!!
You look like your Mom. Enjoy every moment you have with her ( I know you do.) I miss mine so much that it still hurts 4 years later almost as much as the first year.. Mothers are a special gift to this world....
LOL gotta feed all those kids somehow...besides...the hotels make a killing ...even at 50.00 a night.
Yeah those windmills are amazing...I have seen them up close.. And why Minnesota has them and not MI... because it has not been over developed...MI on the other hand is over developed...and probably could not be anyhing like Minnesota...
Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Are they just plain crazy????? Wow the lengths they go to just to hurt you and control the kids. I cant imagine someone working that hard to hurt others...too much energy all in the wrong places. Just remember, what goes around comes around. It always does, sometimes not right away, but it comes...
It is a control thing..he has the kids and he is 'in control'..so to hell with you and what you asked. It is wrong, so take action!
So would you like to take me shopping..lol I need to save money too!!
Some of us already know how you are ...and we would not want you any other way..lol
How cute is he!!!
Thanks for sharing the great 'cowboy butts'...lol love em'!!