Ok ... here are some of the pics I promised. href="https://mybloggers.com/cgi-bin/blogapp/img.cgi?image=20039878.jpg" title="Share this image!"> This is Sebastian's first tatoo. Sebastian's favorite shirt Sebastian Laughing
posted on Aug 20, 2008 4:37 PM ()
he is really a sweety rocki and coin. i'm glad you guys came out and we got to see him.
awww he's a cutie pie
How cute is he!!!
LOVE THE PICS (the tattoo and the boob man shirt rock)
What a little doll! My congrats to you and Gary!
Too cute!! A little Gary!
awww he's a 'Roxigazzy' baby alright he's adorable Roxi oooooh he's sooooo shhhhweeeeeeeeeeeeeettt, kisses to Minnie me (gazzy) lol I see Gary has him trained with the atire he-he