Alright, I gotta say this. I'm a big flirt. People who know me,(I think) kinda understand that. I mean nothing by it, but likely if you have tits, I'll eventually flirt with you. Don't worry, I am really not trying to remove your panties (well, in my mind maybe, but that's it). Just having fun overall.
Usually, I start with the "smoking hot babes". I mean those that stand out to every guy. I then move on. I like women in all shapes, sizes, colors, and nationalities. Just goes to show "I'm not prejudice". Ha!!
Please don't be offended if I don't flirt with you. I mean this! Some chicks have a huge problem with it. They think like.. oh yeah, he flirted with her, but not me.. what?? does he think I'm ugly??
No no no.. this is not the case. There are Lots of "females" on this blog site(let alone earth). It takes time to get to all.
Another thought. If you have one of those "Insecure, whimpy ass husbands". You know, the jealous fuckers. The dudes that flip out when someone looks (or talks) to their girl. I'm sure you know the type. I feel sorry for you, that you got such a controlling fluccker. Anyway, I do have a "don't flirt, don't talk" policy. If this is your case, just tell me. I promise I won't flirt.
Wow, see I think all knew these things about me from "Blogster". I'm just glad to set the record straight here. Being a "newbee" and all.
Take care,
Gary :)