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A Day In The Life

Life & Events > Driving and Cell Phones

Driving and Cell Phones

Has anyone noticed how badly people are driving lately?
I don't know if it is regional or nation wide, but I am guessing the latter.
People are so focused on their life, and where they had to be 10 minutes ago, that being aware of what is going on around them when they are driving is a thing of the past.
I see people with coffee in one hand...a cell phone in the other...and I am not really sure how they are steering the car.
I have actually seen people working on their laptop as they travel down the road...hmmmmmm ...guess multi tasking is a true art!!
The really bad part is that they are not paying attention to their driving and totally unaware of other drivers around them.
I don't know how there is not more accidents on the road.
I actually had a paramedic tell me not so long ago that they had to take a woman to the hospital that was applying mascara while she was driving and the mascara brush jammed into her eye.
That is just plain stupid!!!!
Lose an eye cos you could not take 3 minutes to do that at home.
I am just wondering where peoples brains have gotten too.

Now road rage...that is a whole blog for itself. That is just plain scary!


posted on Nov 14, 2008 2:16 AM ()


In Washington state, Its against the law to talk on your cell phone without a bluetooth and to text! While driving..
comment by carrryon on Jan 2, 2009 1:39 PM ()
Sybil sweetie... why have you stopped writing blogs? I know your still here. Just a wonder..
comment by coincutter on Jan 1, 2009 7:14 PM ()
one morning i was driving to work and they were talking about drunk drivers killing people. a caller called in told the dj that more people on cell phones kill than drunk drivers. i think they should outlaw being on the cell phone while driving.
comment by butterfly1969 on Dec 8, 2008 9:05 PM ()
If I get a call I will answer it but make it short.
Will not make a call while driving. I pull over if I need to
make a call.
comment by larryb on Dec 6, 2008 7:37 AM ()
I was riding with a woman who was trying to use voice-activated On Star to make a phone call and it couldn't understand what she was saying and she kept wandering all over the road she was so distracted. Earlier she was trying to use her cell phone and was a hazard to other drivers then, too. On Thanksgiving Day in the town near here a woman on a cell phone drifted into the bike lane and killed a 9 year old girl. When will they ever learn?
comment by troutbend on Nov 30, 2008 3:02 PM ()
Don't think bad of me.. but I have a "story" to tell...

I was driving down some street (in Detroit) and some prick kid flips me off. Yeah, of course I flipped him off,, then he pulls out this gun (9mm I think)..

So I pull out my gun too... plus, I flipped him off.. Plus I stood on top of the car... with my "stuff out" and said "suck me punk"!!

Well to my surprise.. He started "shooting at me"! Detroit peeps aren't like those "Candy ass Kansas peeps".. a Detroit native WILL shoot first, questions later".. Anyway...

We had a simple exchange of gunfire. Neither hit eachother.. I think was because we was both drunk. That dink was probably on other stuff too.... Me.. hey, I had only a few beers...

Anyway... I want those "########" off the road!! *as you say"! I was just trying.... I can only do so much..........

(Yes Sybil.. all a joke here.. but this stuff happens ALOT.. and I see it alot)..

LUV... Gary :)
comment by coincutter on Nov 18, 2008 8:23 PM ()
Does Pittsburgh still have those signs along their Interstates: "Beware of aggressive drivers"?????
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 14, 2008 5:54 PM ()
I know what you mean about it no longer being a pleasure. I used to take long if I do that I am always on edge..watching the 'other guy'
comment by sybilmariee on Nov 14, 2008 2:53 PM ()
You always have to watch for the other driver because they aren't even watching for themselves!
comment by busymichmom on Nov 14, 2008 2:20 PM ()
According to Car Insurance it is a major cause of accidents. Some States have banned the cell phones unless mounted on the dash. As to using laptops/putting on make-up/eating...well...I don't drive anymore myself...these factors and the speed is why. No longer a pleasure to be on the roads.
comment by anacoana on Nov 14, 2008 9:40 AM ()
I have noticed it and it's truly annoying. People can no longer have the courtesy to put their turn signals on so that the rest of us know what the heck is going on. I honestly try to not speak on my phone when driving. Good post!
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 14, 2008 3:15 AM ()

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