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A Day In The Life

Life & Events > When I AM Wrong ... I AM Wrong

When I AM Wrong ... I AM Wrong

When I am wrong..I am the first to admit it.
I still feel bad about what I did and I am going to tell all of you...even though it was very embarrassing for me.

OK first off, let me preface this by saying it has been a very bad week for me.
My husband is in the hospital since last Wednesday with diabetic complications and the possibility of losing part of his foot. My first concern there is his health..I know that one day diabetics will take his life and that saddens me.
My second concern is that we will be losing his income for a while. That always scares me when money is short.
However I am grateful for having my income.
Third..we had plans to go and visit my sister in Maine next week and we will not be able to go because of his health issues. We have gone every year at this time for many years.
I am not only sad for myself but my husband and my sister as well...the look forward to it so very much.
So I guess what I am telling you is that my mood has not been as good as it should be lately.
Which leads me to what I was wrong about....... I was in the check out line yesterday at grocery store.
The woman in front of me had a order that was well over 100.00.
When she went to pay for it, the first credit card was denied..then the second.
At this point the cashier told her to call home and have someone bring money.
This set the anger level in my body to high, cos I had all of my items laid out on the belt to be checked out.
The cashier looked at me and said..oh don't worry we will move you.
And this is when I said what I should never have said..
I looked at the woman and said.."yeah I hope so cos I am not waiting for someone to bring this woman money cos she wont pay her bills"...OUCH...
OK as you may already have figured out..this really pissed her off..and she came back at me with some comment about how she does pay her bills...and some other nasty comments that I really dont remember.
Then...not even 30 seconds later I realized that I had been extremely rude and started to apologize to her.
I told her that I was very sorry and I should have never said that to her..and would she please forgive me.
I tried to explain to her that I have been under a lot of pressure and I took it out on her...and I should have never done that. I was honestly sorry...and knew as soon as the words came out of my mouth I was wrong.

She glared at me (the old 'if looks could kill look')...and said something about she having problems as well...and pretty much she did not accept my apology..and something about ...going and screwing myself.
So my apology was not acceptable.
I felt bad about it the rest of the I said..When I am wrong...I am will be the first to admit it...and yes, yesterday I was wrong.
I just wish she had said something like 'yeah whatever'...and left it at that.



posted on May 17, 2009 4:22 AM ()


At least you tried to apologize. You are obviously under a lot of stress... and I'm sure she was also. Don't beat yourself up over this. You did what you could to make amends.
comment by maggiemae on Dec 24, 2012 7:36 PM ()

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