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A Day In The Life

Life & Events > Csi ...

Csi ...

So yeah, I absolutely love CSI has become one of my favorite shows of all times.
I watch the reruns on Spike TV mostly. Could say it has sorta become an addiction.

CSI at times has subject matter that makes it very uncomfortable to watch the show.
Most of the time it is mild to moderate but there are times that are overwhelming.
Last night, I actually had to turn the TV off for a few minutes to get past what they were showing.

I know I ranted and raved about this in the past...over on that other blog site that a lot of us used to belong to.
Back when Michael Vick was arrested for dog fighting.

Only a few things turn my stomach more that animal abuse (of course child abuse in any form is much worse)..however last night it was about organized dog fighting.

I unfortunately now know more about how dogs that are used for dog fighting are raised and trained...these things I could have probably lived the rest of my life without knowing.

I know this was only a TV show, however they portray things in life as they really are.
Well , without too much ado...all I can say is anyone that is involved in this so called sport...should be punished to the fullest extent of the law..and more if possible.
My god it was sad...and so brutal.
Dogs are so special...they are so can beat them and two minutes later they are back wagging their tail wanting you to give them love.
That is all they really require from love and food..
I will of course continue to watch CSI...but last night was one episode that I will never watch again

posted on Sept 5, 2008 4:29 PM ()


My favorite yukky thing on CSI was where a bullet with some human tissue on it went into the wall and then toxic mold grew and the fumes or spores or something killed a guy in the house. Naturally they diagrammed all this out in great detail. I think it might have been that episode where they showed events in reverse.
comment by troutbend on Oct 12, 2008 3:59 PM ()
I love CSI too! But sometimes, I need to turn my head AND cover my ears until my husband tells me it's ok to look again.
comment by shesaidwhat on Sept 26, 2008 4:54 AM ()
my favorite is law and order. but i do like CSI to.
comment by butterfly1969 on Sept 22, 2008 4:41 PM ()
One of the dogs has actually been going around the hospitals as a rehab dog of sorts. They take it around to the rooms of sick children and the kids just light up.
comment by rocki8281971 on Sept 7, 2008 9:29 AM ()
It's truly heart breaking to see dogs or any animals for that matter abused...they're helpless.
comment by strider333 on Sept 5, 2008 10:51 PM ()
There was a piece on ABC News tonight about those Vick dogs. They have been at a retraining center for almost a year. The dogs are healthy and now like being around people. They will eventually be given to good families as pets. Meanwhile, M. Vick is getting his due in the slammer.
comment by jondude on Sept 5, 2008 6:26 PM ()

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