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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > Vignette in a Small Town

Vignette in a Small Town

This is what I saw this morning as I left the house to go to town. The rain and hot weather have the grass greened up and growing quickly. It needs to be mowed already. All the white irises that grow around the stump in the front yard have bloomed at once. Their fragile white petals are so delicate they are transparent--yet wind gusts of over 30 mph blew them around and the blooms didn't blow off. Awesome. Beautiful composite of fragility and strength.
Dogwood, wisteria and the miniature azaleas are blooming now also.

At the end of the driveway, the wind had blown over the full trashcan. The lid was in the road, and one bag of trash was in the ditch. So I gathered the lid and the bag and put it all where it was supposed to be, then went back to the driveway I have lined with big chunks of granite rock, got a 10 pound chunk of rock and put it on top of the lid. Let's see that blow off now!

On the way to town, through the woods, saw smoke billowing from the rear of a house. As a do gooder, I thought it might be on fire and I better check it out. So I turned around and went down a backroad and came to the house, where a woman came from the back and said she was burning some railroad ties. With 30mph wind gusts? With a burn ban in place? She said everything was okay, so I left.

Down the road there was a snake writhing in a ball on the road. I went around it, and the SUV who had run over it up ahead of me turned around and went back and parked his wife and kids in the middle of the road in the WRONG direction. I turned and went back too and the guy asked "Did I kill it?" I said all I saw was it in the road . So this guy goes down the embankment (while an 18 wheeler brakes and goes around him), and pulls out a pistol and fires "POW POW POW POW", then holds up the snake on a stick as his kids scream. The little boy was saying "It's a diamondback, daddy!"

I don't know what the h*ll it was but everybody was glad it was dead. People who like snakes are weirdo's. The best snake is a dead snake.
But I am left to wonder about this man carrying a pistol in his pocket. Geeze, is everybody armed nowadays? Maybe I better get one. It'd be just the thing if a snake comes along.


posted on Mar 23, 2011 8:16 PM ()


I'm a big supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and as such, I took a handgun permit course, applied to the state, and received my permit to carry a handgun. Now I feel odd if I don't have my pistol on my person. I also have gone so far as to become a coach and assistant instructor in the Handgun Permit class, so we can pass on the safe and proper way to defend yourself. I think this fellow you encountered was an idiot first of all, because drawing and firing a weapon for any reason other than defending your life (or the lives of others) is flat wrong. Personally I think that everyone who is capable of getting a permit should get one, even if they later chose to not carry. At least you now have the option.
comment by jwrone on Apr 8, 2011 11:38 PM ()
Hi jw; I have a shotgun and and a .38 caliber I keep in my nightstand, and some people say "Oh dear, I could never shoot anyone!" That's silly. I would if I needed to.
In Mississippi, you can carry if it's not concealed. A guy in town wears a pistol in a holster around his waist. That's cool.
I've never had a class, sure would like one.
reply by susil on Apr 17, 2011 1:09 AM ()
Ted was bitten by a copperhead. They gave him a lot of intravenous
antihistamine. It was very painful and the swelling was huge. It was on
his arm and way too close to the heart. I had always just kind of lived
and let live with snakes until then. One shortly afterward killed wonderful little Callie that we had raised from a kitten.
comment by elderjane on Mar 24, 2011 7:21 AM ()
Hi jeri; Since this snake I wrote about didn't have rattles, I don't think it was a rattler, but a copperhead. I'm glad Ted survived--it must have been a scary experience!
reply by susil on Mar 26, 2011 11:13 AM ()
The nation is full of loathsome critters, and by that, I mean humans. They'll run over turtles, even children, if given the chance. The only reason I'd have in owning a gun is to shoot the red necks. Grrrr.
comment by solitaire on Mar 24, 2011 6:55 AM ()
What a thing to say--shoot red necks. Buzz off, you.
reply by susil on Mar 26, 2011 11:14 AM ()
Yes, everybody is armed. There is some kind of debate here in Las Vegas lately about allowing the students to carry guns on the college campus. Maybe there is a big threat of poisonous snakes there, why else would they need them.
comment by troutbend on Mar 23, 2011 11:11 PM ()
It is legal to have a firearm on your person here in Mississippi--as long as it's not hidden--I assume you're supposed to wear a gun in a holster so everybody can see it.
Letting students carry a firearm on a college campus sounds like a baaaad idea!
reply by susil on Mar 26, 2011 11:18 AM ()
Sounds like the Wild Wild West in Deep South Mississippi!
comment by marta on Mar 23, 2011 9:03 PM ()
I have a feeling just about everybody is armed but me-- I do have a shotgun and a .38 but not on my person. But carrying a firearm in the car might not be a bad idea come to think of it!
reply by susil on Mar 26, 2011 11:21 AM ()

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