I had a busy day yesterday and plopped down in bed exhausted last night. Got all the pillows positioned comfortably and just as I was about to hopefully doze off, looked up to see a spider slowly making it's way acros the ceiling directly overhead. . Aargh! I didn't want to get up and sweep it off the ceiling, so I watched it, and figured as soon as it got far enough away that there was no possibility of it falling down on me, I could doze off.
So this confounded spider crept like a snail--no, a snail would have moved faster--overhead. It would extend a leg and feel around, then feeling the way was clear, it would inch forward. Then it would stop--to contemplate if it were lost, maybe. Then painstakingly slowly, it inched forward until it finally got clear of the landing space below--namely my bed. (How are they able to walk upside down anyway?)
Then this annoying spider turned around and started back across the tract he had just traversed. That was it. Grumbling, I threw off the covers and pillows, fetched a broom and spept if off the ceiling and smushed it and threw it away.
By then I was wide awake. Before bedtime I had drunk a big glass of diet Dr. Pepper--no calories, but loaded with caffeine. Sigh. I knew sleep was impossible even though I was tired, so I got up and did some crossword puzzles, and listened to the owls in the woods.
When a visitor came at nine am and looked at me askance because I was sleeping late, I didn't bother to explain about the spider and the Dr. Pepper. I can sleep late if I want to and it's nobody's business.