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Life & Events > A Spider Tale

A Spider Tale

I had a busy day yesterday and plopped down in bed exhausted last night. Got all the pillows positioned comfortably and just as I was about to hopefully doze off, looked up to see a spider slowly making it's way acros the ceiling directly overhead. . Aargh! I didn't want to get up and sweep it off the ceiling, so I watched it, and figured as soon as it got far enough away that there was no possibility of it falling down on me, I could doze off.

So this confounded spider crept like a snail--no, a snail would have moved faster--overhead. It would extend a leg and feel around, then feeling the way was clear, it would inch forward. Then it would stop--to contemplate if it were lost, maybe. Then painstakingly slowly, it inched forward until it finally got clear of the landing space below--namely my bed. (How are they able to walk upside down anyway?)

Then this annoying spider turned around and started back across the tract he had just traversed. That was it. Grumbling, I threw off the covers and pillows, fetched a broom and spept if off the ceiling and smushed it and threw it away.
By then I was wide awake. Before bedtime I had drunk a big glass of diet Dr. Pepper--no calories, but loaded with caffeine. Sigh. I knew sleep was impossible even though I was tired, so I got up and did some crossword puzzles, and listened to the owls in the woods.
When a visitor came at nine am and looked at me askance because I was sleeping late, I didn't bother to explain about the spider and the Dr. Pepper. I can sleep late if I want to and it's nobody's business.


posted on Oct 16, 2010 12:13 PM ()


Yes, Sue. My cats often eat the insects, too, once they are captured. Oooooo, yummy. lololol
comment by marta on Oct 31, 2010 3:42 PM ()
My cats are great buggers. They catch everything or alert me that we have a buggy visitor. The insect interlopers I have to be very wary of are the ones that sting. Last week a huge wasp somehow found its way inside, and I had to capture it quickly for fear it would get riled up and sting one of my enthusiastic stalking cats. Funny thing is the cats seem so disappointed to lose their buggy playmate, whatever it is, when I move in to remove it. You should see the looks on their faces!
__^..^__ __^..^__
comment by marta on Oct 24, 2010 1:57 PM ()
Hi marta; your cats are buggy stalkers--but do they actually ever kill an interloper? I suppose just alerting you to the presence of a bug visitor is enough!
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 1:01 PM ()
don't like spiders but I have learned to live with them due to them getting the cockroaches and other buggies for me.
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 19, 2010 9:56 AM ()
Hi there--That's one thing I can say in a spider's defense--it preys on other bugs!
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 11:24 AM ()
The insect population takes an awful chance when it shows up at my house.
My blood must be very close to the surface because I am bitten to death
by everything. Deep woods Cutter works some of the time. we have noseeums
and mosquitos in our back yard.
comment by elderjane on Oct 17, 2010 9:57 AM ()
Hi jeri; Knock on wood--very few mosquito's this year at my house, but there have been times when even sprayed with Deep Woods Off, these pests would bite right through my clothes and all despite the spray.
I don't know why, but some people are more attractive to mosquito's and other biters--maybe their blood tastes sweeter..
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 11:28 AM ()
I wonder how many times I've sung "The teensy weensy spider climbed up the water spout....", first to my own kids, now my grandchildren? Anyway, I have many cobwebs in my house because I can't make myself vacuum up the spiders that make them. They eat my fruit flies!
comment by solitaire on Oct 17, 2010 6:24 AM ()
Hi sol; yep, they aren't so bad--as long as we don't cross paths I'm copacetic. I think they prey on each other too, which is nice!
reply by susil on Oct 17, 2010 7:09 AM ()
Spiders are interesting to watch--as long as they're outside the house, haha. There are some kind of spiders that make little basket webs on the grass in the yard, and with the morning dew on them they sparkle like diamonds.
comment by susil on Oct 16, 2010 10:49 PM ()
I have to admit to having a phobia about spiders. No way would or could I have gone to sleep with the monster (all spiders are monsters to me) over my head. I had a bad experience when I was about four and I have been terrified of them ever since.
comment by gapeach on Oct 16, 2010 5:02 PM ()
Hi peach-Bless your heart..
if it'd been a big spider, I'd have gotten up right away--can't tolerate the gigantic ones. Spiders are impossible to get rid of. Oh okay--arachnophobia-I just recalled the name of spider phobia.
reply by susil on Oct 16, 2010 10:31 PM ()
I'm not frightened of spiders (anymore - used to be), but I do not, like the 'monster' ones . . . I know that it is considered unlucky, to kill a spider, so I try not to. It is quite different in thecse of a 'monster' - then, the hoover comes out! It would have been in action, had I have been in the same situation as you last night
comment by febreze on Oct 16, 2010 3:46 PM ()
Hi breze; I can sweep off spider webs one day and in a couple of days, there's webs again. I never heard of it being unlucky to kill a spider--I thought it was a cricket you weren't supposed to kill because they're considered lucky by the Chinese. I like to hear a cricket sing--they don't bother me.
reply by susil on Oct 16, 2010 10:37 PM ()
Teensy spiders inhabit my baseboards and I have to be after them constantly. Large ones creep me out. But the worst are the palmettos. I just jump a mile if I see one suddenly. Oh guuuh.
comment by tealstar on Oct 16, 2010 1:02 PM ()
Hi teal, I have those baseboaed spiders too. I keep the webs swept out of corners and do what I can to decrease the little boogers. But the big ones are creepy--I mean I saw one as big as a 50 cent piece one time and chased it all over till I dispatched it..
reply by susil on Oct 16, 2010 10:42 PM ()
Spiders don't creep me out like mice, but I don't like them because the cobwebs are everywhere and new ones form overnight. Sometimes I'll be sitting in the living room and see a spider just rappelling down from the ceiling to the floor.
comment by troutbend on Oct 16, 2010 12:27 PM ()
Sorry--your reply is above
reply by susil on Oct 16, 2010 10:50 PM ()

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