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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > It's Always There

It's Always There

Driving up Highway 49, saw a sign nailed to a pine tree by the side of the road.
A square of white board, on which someone had stenciled in neat black lettering: IT'S ALWAYS THERE.
What did that mean? Was it the start of some ad like the old Burma Shave ads, like half mile furthur down the road would be another sign, reading: YOUR AT&T, ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU, or some such?

But no, that was it, that one sign nailed to a tree, ambiguous, and ambiguous nettles me.

I wish I knew what that sign meant. I suppose each person who read it could attach their own meaning to it.


posted on Oct 23, 2010 10:21 AM ()


Just a guess, but "it" is the sign.
comment by marta on Nov 8, 2010 7:42 PM ()
fascinating! makes you wonder that's for sure. Well I would think they are talking about love. Love is always there. Sometimes it maybe buried under a pile of crap put you will always have someone in your life you loves you!
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 27, 2010 10:12 PM ()
Sigh; dear panthur, I'm guessing you're an optimist.
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 12:58 PM ()
about that tomato, have you touched it? If it's as hard as a rock, then it is ossified and you can spray it with fixative and put it on your knickknack shelf.
comment by tealstar on Oct 24, 2010 12:56 PM ()
Hi teal, the indestructible tomato is still firm but getting some tiny black spots now too, along with the tiny yellow dots. I'll throw it out next trash day, but first I'm gonna autopsy it!
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 12:56 PM ()
Just one of the mysteries of life.
comment by elderjane on Oct 24, 2010 8:51 AM ()
Hi jeri; Why would someone go to the trouble to do that is the mystery to me--but then, I'm easily mystified!
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 10:43 AM ()
Sounds like the spooky voice talking to Kevin Costner in that movie about baseball -- "If you build it, they will come." ooeeooeeee. Or maybe the sign is the first of many in a campaign spaced out over weeks -- another sign next week. Let us know.
comment by tealstar on Oct 23, 2010 7:48 PM ()
Hi teal; Will do.
PS Speaking of spooky--I wrote a post weeks ago about the indestructible tomato that's been sitting on a kitchen counter, unchanged. Well, it's stil there; firm, red and unchanged except for the formation of some tiny yellow spots. Two and a half months or so, and there it is like the day I bought it--I'd like to have it analyzed!
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 10:41 AM ()

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