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Life & Events > Trick Knee

Trick Knee

A few days ago I was standing at the bathroom sink when suddenly, BAM! I fell to the floor just that quick. My right knee had felt a wee bit quivery when I got up that morning, but so what? At my age strange quivers and such are par for the course. So I got up, and though sore for a few days, am back on track.

Naturally I've told everyone I know about the knee giving out on me, and I'm surprised that every single person I mentioned it to had "trick knee" stories. A cashier at Walmart said something like "Oh, you've got a trick knee- I've got a trick knee too. I'll be walking around and fall to the floor."

Some people said they had mothers, fathers, aunts uncles, siblings etc. with a trick knee. With so many trick knees around, how come I've never seen people falling to the ground all over the place?

All I know is that trick knee played a trick on me, so will test it out before going about my business from now on.


posted on Oct 23, 2010 10:38 AM ()


I'm having knee trouble, too. I think I injured it moving boxes of books a while ago cleaning out my stepmom's house. I've had a few spells of sudden weakness, like it couldn't support me. I haven't fallen... yet. But now I test it to be sure. Dang. It's not getting better either. May have to go see my doc. Be careful, Sue!
comment by marta on Nov 8, 2010 7:50 PM ()
too bad you can't trick it back!!
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 27, 2010 10:14 PM ()
I wish--talking to it is all I can do now--it gets scolded and warned against misbehavior lot!
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 12:53 PM ()
Hi kj; I was so shocked I didn't leap up quickly --but when I did, I gave that knee a talking to-- Behave or ELSE, y'hear?
PS lashing out and kicking idiots is right up my alley
comment by susil on Oct 24, 2010 10:50 AM ()
reply by kjstone on Oct 24, 2010 12:16 PM ()
My knees left me in l992 and 1994 respectively. I miss the real thing. They tell me I need new ones but I shan't do it again.
comment by elderjane on Oct 24, 2010 8:50 AM ()
Hi jeri; as a home health nurse, I saw patients who did really well after having knee replacements, and some who did really badly. Don't think I want to go through the procedure. Best of luck to you..
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 10:58 AM ()
I've heard the term but never connected it to suddenly falling. But once in ballet class, I stepped out to do a diagonal series across the floor and as I put weight on my leg, I fell -- it was a serious muscle pull and I couldn't go back for weeks. It was a shocker because I hadn't even done the hard part.
comment by tealstar on Oct 23, 2010 7:43 PM ()
Hi teal; Your incident caught you by surprise too?
The sudden-ness of it surprised me--hope that knee behaves itself from now on. I know what instigated it I think--I was standing up most of the day pickling peppers in jars and the knee rebelled or something. I'm through with pickling.
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 10:56 AM ()
Perhaps they leap up really quick, like a ninja when they do...

I wish my knee did tricks. I could lash out and kick an idiot and blame it on my trick knee...
comment by kjstone on Oct 23, 2010 3:01 PM ()
kj, my scintillating reply to your comment is above.
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 10:51 AM ()

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