A few days ago I was standing at the bathroom sink when suddenly, BAM! I fell to the floor just that quick. My right knee had felt a wee bit quivery when I got up that morning, but so what? At my age strange quivers and such are par for the course. So I got up, and though sore for a few days, am back on track.
Naturally I've told everyone I know about the knee giving out on me, and I'm surprised that every single person I mentioned it to had "trick knee" stories. A cashier at Walmart said something like "Oh, you've got a trick knee- I've got a trick knee too. I'll be walking around and fall to the floor."
Some people said they had mothers, fathers, aunts uncles, siblings etc. with a trick knee. With so many trick knees around, how come I've never seen people falling to the ground all over the place?
All I know is that trick knee played a trick on me, so will test it out before going about my business from now on.