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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > Wild Things

Wild Things

Friend Valentina came yesterday and told me about something that happened at her sister's house. Her sister was home alone, when at dusk her dog that was outside began to bark in a frenzy. She grabbed a shotgun and went outside and saw a black hairy critter advancing toward the patio. She thought it was a black bear, whose population is increasing in Mississippi.

Then the critter got close enough for her to realize it was a large tusked black boar. She shot it and her brother came and got it. He is going to pit roast it and eat it. (Not for me, thank you--wild boar can be really gamey unless the scent glands near the tail are removed correctly. Also pork carries trichinosis. Farmed pork is treated for this, but the wild hogs may have it.)

I had just heard an official of the Mississippi Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries on MPB that morning say that it is against the law to harm black bears--fines, prison sentences and all--
BUT there is open season 24/7, 365 days of the year on wild hogs. They are multiplying in such numbers they are destroying wild birds who nest on the ground, and eating small game, and are very destructive all around.

Valentina's sister lives at the verge of a swampy area with an unfenced yard, and the long drought we've had is probably causing the feral swine to come out looking for food and water-namely the dog's food sitting on the patio.


posted on Oct 24, 2010 11:13 AM ()


Yikes! A Blogster blog pal in Arizona reported not too long ago that her dog unintentionally surprised a wild boar and was attacked, receiving a huge gash. The boar ran away. The dog has healed now, but she said the boars are getting into more contact with humans and pets due to both residential sprawl and drought. If I was Valentina's sister, no way would I have pet food outdoors. That is just asking for trouble.
comment by marta on Oct 24, 2010 1:30 PM ()
That's what I said, Marta. Leaving dog food out in an unfenced yard is like yelling to wildlife "It's buffet time!"
I have a friend who keeps catfood out on her porch for feral cats--it has attracted skunks, possums, neighborhood dogs and cats and other critters.
(Even seasoned hunters know not to mess with tusked boars--they'll hurt anything if you rile it up.)
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 12:46 PM ()
Hate killing wild animals 'though I realize it's necessary sometimes. I'll say an atheist's prayer for the boar, whose first name was probably Basil. And those meanies didn't even ask.
comment by tealstar on Oct 24, 2010 12:51 PM ()
Hi teal; say one of those prayers for the ground nesting birds the hogs are eating out of extinction--I haven't heard a wood thrush all year; wildlife officials say the feral hogs are to blame.
reply by susil on Oct 30, 2010 12:50 PM ()
Black bears can be quite a nuisance (sp?) here in rural Ontario but we'd basically have to walk them into the ministry if we wanted anything done.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 24, 2010 12:26 PM ()
Hi mom; you probably have a lot more bears there than down here. Bears were re-introduced into Mississippi woods after they were wiped out decades earlier. So far, it's been successful--I expect to see one ambling up into the yard any day.
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 12:36 PM ()
Hi mom; yep, it's the same thing here--bears are protected which is good. Maybe they'll eat some of the wild hogs, haha. (Though I think a tusked wild boar would win against a bear.)
Thanks for stopping by.
comment by susil on Oct 24, 2010 12:19 PM ()
Yeesh!I've had a black bear in my back yard more than a few times and the only thing I'm allowed to do is call 9-1-1 and then the ministry of natural resources. Thankfully I'm not scared of them. But a boar?! Wow.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 24, 2010 11:44 AM ()
Your reply above!
reply by susil on Oct 24, 2010 12:20 PM ()

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