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Life & Events > Boring > Peanut Butter Cake

Peanut Butter Cake

Well, I went to the post office for the first time in 10 days, and had a Walmart bag stuffed with mail, about 2/3 junk mail. I have to go in my office and shred and separate it all out and make out some bills tomorrow. I had just started on that task today when the lights went out. Probably a limb brushing against a power line in the woods somewhere. I phoned Singing River Electric and they soon had it back on. I keep a land line phone handy to plug in and use just for calling Singing River.

About that time Dottie phoned and we talked for an hour. Or shall I say, she talked. And talked. I intercept once in a while with an uh huh, or wow or really, and she just talks over me. When she's got it all out, it's bye till the next marathon.

All that time we were on the phone, I'd been craving a yellow cake with chocolate peanut butter frosting. My mother invented the marriage of chocolate and peanut butter long before Reese's did. Make a yellow cake, poke holes in it and pour that chocolatey peanut butter frosting over it and you have a gooey cakey concoction. When I was growing up, Ma would make one of those cakes and we'd eat it while it was still warm. I don't think one of those cakes ever hung aroung long enough to cool off.

Soon as the lights came back on and Dottie had her talk out, I made one. I called my cousin to come get half of it--I have no need for that much cake, y'know? Well, maybe one more teeny slice and a glass of milk, and I'm turning in. Sleep well everyone.


posted on Nov 4, 2010 7:33 PM ()


When I was a kid there was a popular recipe involving yellow sheet cake, maybe a lemon cake, and then you mixed lemonade concentrate with powdered sugar and poked holes in the hot cake and poured that over it. The peanut butter chocolate idea sounds really good, and I know it would be a big hit here at my house.
comment by troutbend on Nov 5, 2010 10:26 PM ()
Ha! You've awakened a memory with that lemonade cake and I will try that next--used to love that cake!
My peanut butter frosting wasn't as good as what Ma used to make--I tried making ganache--a pint of heavy cream, heated, with a bag of chocolate chips added to melt into it, then added the peanut butter. It never did tighten up, it stayed runny. My Ma's frosting set up like soft fudge, I don't know how she did that.
reply by susil on Nov 6, 2010 12:30 PM ()
That cake sounds delicious
comment by febreze on Nov 5, 2010 4:24 PM ()
Hi breze; I've gotten that craving out of my system for a while!
reply by susil on Nov 6, 2010 12:31 PM ()
I have far too many friends like your Dottie. They mostly call me crying about whatever has upset them that day...I do like you do with the "wows" and "uh-huhs" while I read a magazine.

The cake sounds delicious! I have a cake mix in my pantry...maybe I'll make one for the kids after the Halloween treats are gone.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 5, 2010 10:59 AM ()
Hi mom; Hope you and family are well.
You know, just once I'd like Dottie to ask "How are you?" And ask about my kids and etc. but she just doesn't do it. I read the paper or work on a crossword or wash dishes or whatever while she's talking (although I stopped talking on the cordless phone while doing dishes as I dropped it in the dishwater once, and Dottie just kept on talking! )
reply by susil on Nov 6, 2010 12:38 PM ()
I have pnut butter all the time.On my banana,crackers,bread,toast.
Never had the cake though.So we are nutty all the time.Thisis the nutty peanut butter.I do not eat cake.Just cookies and peanut butter cookies are great.
comment by fredo on Nov 5, 2010 10:13 AM ()
fredo, Yea; fellow peanut butter lover!
I love a crispy peanut butter cookie you break into squares; they're called Nutter Butter and I get them at the Dollar General. Also keep a jar of Jif with Honey peanut butter on the table--it's good to keep your blood sugar up.
reply by susil on Nov 6, 2010 12:42 PM ()
Every morning I have peanut butter sticks for breakfast. Peanut butter should be a major food group.
comment by elderjane on Nov 5, 2010 5:39 AM ()
Ok, where do you get peanut butter sticks. Who makes them. Front and center please with answers.
reply by tealstar on Nov 5, 2010 7:16 AM ()
It is almost midnight here in Paradise (aka Intellectual Hell), and now, thanks to you, I will go to bed dreaming of cake. Thanks.
comment by tealstar on Nov 4, 2010 8:45 PM ()
Hello out there in intellectual Hell! I thought we had that title in the bag where I live!
Cake before bedtime isn't conducive to sleep; that's why I'm up here at 5:15am on the computer!
reply by susil on Nov 5, 2010 3:38 AM ()
Oh, Sue, what yumminess! I was at the grocery store today with a friend and we passed through the bakery, discovering a fresh yellow layer cake with caramel frosting. My friend couldn't resist. I managed to, barely, but I had just finished a rhubarb pie and have a pumpkin pie in the wings at home. Looking at that cake, I couldn't help but think of my brother -- it was his favorite cake growing up -- and my Mom, who made one for each of his birthdays. I would help her make it. I loved cooking and baking with her. Looking at that cake, I dissolved in many sweet memories of those precious days. Sweet dreams!
comment by marta on Nov 4, 2010 8:37 PM ()
Hi there marta; I only make a cake about once a year; living by myself, having a cake around is too much of a big thing.
Lots of people in my youth loved that caramel cake, I never did.
NOW! Rhubarb pie? Never tried that, would like to, but rhubarb is something you don't find in the stores here. And pumpkin? You must be getting a headstart on T'giving?
And I'm glad you're getting out with a friend.
reply by susil on Nov 5, 2010 3:34 AM ()

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