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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > News from the Deep South

News from the Deep South

Although it seems as if the long hot summer will never end, a couple of days ago I noticed a few leaves on the oak tree down by the mailbox fall, and waft to the ground and realized autumn is coming--the tree felt it, knew it, that the earth rotates and spins on its axis, and cooler weather is coming. How comforting; to know that the seasons will come and go no matter how we humans bollix up the earth the basic things don't change.

I had sat down in my swing on the carport, and it had loose slats, so called on a handyman I met in the post office. He and his wife came and he nailed and inserted screws, and tightened it up and it's sturdy again.
Now I can sit out there and pamper my habanero plant--it has blooms on it and I think teeny little peppers--how satisfying!

Well, today is August 29, the sixth anniversary of Katrina, and like any horrible experience, with time, the acute pain of it gradually blurs at the edges, so even though it will be with me always the sharpness of this encounter with a monster is tolerable.

The anniversary of 9/11 is approaching too, and I am watching George Bush tell of his experience of that day on a program airing on NGC.. Thank goodness that smirky face of his isn't so smirky as it used to be. His handling of the situation isn't nearly as heartfelt as Rudy Guiliani's (sp?) story.

My grand-daughter, my only grandchild will be 20 y/o in a few days. As an only child, only grand child, she has been spoiled and coddled to death, and still lives at home with her parents who are reluctant to cut the apron strings--she is so precious to us.
I think, as a cynic and a realist, of how many hard lessons she has yet to learn, that the cold cruel world can be unfair and mean, but she has to be cut loose soon. She wants to be a speech therapist, and get her BS, then PHd and Doctorate; I wish she'd get out and be in the world a couple of years first, and I'm baffled by her career choice--with all those years of schooling, she could be an M.D. But what can I do? She has to make her own way.

I sent her a birthday card with money--she can always use that!

Signing off to watch more of the 9/11 retrospective,

posted on Aug 29, 2011 5:39 PM ()


Must mention that my best friend from childhood, of whom I have written, still has her "kids" with her at home. Daughter, now 40 something, very attractive, very socially active, a teacher, but chooses guys who don't work out and I think it's subliminal: she can't leave Mom. Son, out of 3 failed marriages, in his 50s, finally has a job and contributes a little something, but mostly mooches. It's really important your g'baby gets her act together.
comment by tealstar on Sept 3, 2011 1:47 PM ()
Did you see that PBS show about post 9-11 where the victims' families wanted Bush and Cheney to testify as to what they knew ahead of time, and they refused to testify under oath, and insisted on being interviewed together so they could keep their story straight, and then they refused to release transcripts of the testimony that was held behind closed doors. To see Bush tap dance around the questions about why they insisted on doing it that way was frightening: to think this so-called man with the maturity of a spoiled teenager hiding behind a father figure was the top elected official in our country.
comment by troutbend on Aug 29, 2011 9:36 PM ()
I can't pick up PBS, but I sure would've liked to have seen Bush and Cheney together. That last sentence of yours sums up Bush to a "T."
PS Cheney has his own book out now, I wonder how much sidestepping he's gonna do. I heard on NPR that he made jabs at Condoleeza Rice foe crying about some advice she gave Bush.
reply by susil on Sept 3, 2011 10:15 AM ()
Glad you can post again. Your granddaughter should decide within the next 2 years or so that she should be on her own. Being at home can become a crutch that one cannot discard. I left late, a last gasp effort at 24. It was excruciating to make the break. When I got to New York, I got a room and had that feeling that I had just escaped a horrible fate (forever stagnation). My sis told me much later that she was in awe of my decision.
comment by tealstar on Aug 29, 2011 7:14 PM ()
Hi teal; My daughter and g'baby are clinging to each other--they're both using the other as crutches, but g'baby must get out and face the world by herself. Actually, I think going straight from high school into college, like g'baby is doing, is a bad idea. A person should take a couple of years off and go out in the world before going straight into college, where they are maintained in a structered environment. Sooner or later a person has to go out and face the world on their own
You did the right thing, thank goodness, good for you!
reply by susil on Sept 3, 2011 10:27 AM ()

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