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News From Mississippi

News From Mississippi > Susil's Comments

Susil's Comments

You are so absolutely spot on with this post. Being raped by a lunatic traumatized her, but how could she have been so indoctrinated by Stockholm Syndrome not to have run for help right away? I don't mean to be mean, but her father comes across as such a wimp, and the family is Mormon so maybe teaching resistance is against their beliefs or something.
I heard on the news that the nut caused scenes in court and seemed so crazy the trial is halted.
PS There is a visitor to my house who has three young girls and a live in boyfriend. I told her YOU CAN'T TRUST A MAN AROUND YOUR GIRL CHILDREN. Not "friends of the family" men, uncles, grandpa's cousins, neighbors, boyfriends, nobody.
Comment on About Elizabeth Smart and Kids in General - Nov 13, 2010 12:35 PM ()
I'm so sorry to hear about Oliver Sacks and his eye disease. I listen to NPR all the time--how could I have missed that interview.
I've read some of his books and love his writing style.I think one of his books was made into a movie.
Comment on How We See - Nov 13, 2010 12:18 PM ()
Your "glass half full" reminds me of blogger jeri, an optimist I have admired because of that for years.
Comment on A Letter to Whom it May Concern (Or Call Out) - Nov 8, 2010 10:22 AM ()
I have no interest in Facebook--blogging here on mybloggers is all the communication I need.
Comment on Facebook - Nov 8, 2010 10:16 AM ()
Ambiguous but sweet anyway!
Comment on Perspective - Nov 8, 2010 10:12 AM ()
That was a beautiful post--enjoyed reading it. You are lucky to know yourself, and your family is lucky to have you.
Comment on I'm Simple - Nov 8, 2010 10:10 AM ()
Hi lass; Oh my, you have no idea--I live in the deep south where there are churches on every corner, even in the country--and "religious nutters" abound.
My daughter's husband is one of those psycho types who get religion and mental illness all bound up together. History is full of nuts like that--think of Jim Jones in Guyana.
Thanks for stopping by, enjoyed hearing from you.
Comment on Give God a Break - Nov 6, 2010 2:34 PM ()
A few days ago I had cousin Bubba come over and help me turn my king size mattress, because the side I was sleeping on had sunken where my butt lies.
That meant pushing all the furniture as far back as possible, and hoping he didn't destroy anything cause he's like a bull in a china shop. But he got it turned and while the bed was pulled away from the wall, I got him to vacuum under the bed. He got down on his stomach with the extender attachments and vacuued out the dust bunnies. He found a can of Glade air freshener under there with the nozzle missing, but I had another can of Glade and fit the sprayer on. (Sorry for going on, but my life is dull.)
Comment on Saturday Doings - Nov 6, 2010 2:10 PM ()
Haven't I been telling y'all? You see I wasn't kidding when I called Barbour "Boss Hog" and he has been a disaster as governor. Imagine him and Palin on a presidential ticket!
Comment on Thoughts on Everything - Nov 6, 2010 1:55 PM ()
I have never seen such a bunch of incompetents and crooks running for--and winning--elective offices. In Mississippi, a dead man was elected on a write in ballot! How about that!
I want one on those t-shirts you were talking about!
Comment on Infant Time - Nov 6, 2010 1:49 PM ()
You're doing a great job with your kids; your daughters are exceptional people!
PS I've never been one to chat with the neighbors or anyone else (My friend Dottie talks TO me--there's no interchange of ideas) but I can express myself and "talk" on the computer and say things and tell things and it's great to be able to do that. You just keep expressing yourself on the computer--it's a good way to relieve stress.
Comment on A Brotherhood of Man - Nov 4, 2010 7:56 PM ()
I disagree with the notion that humans originated in Africa and migrated all over the world. So far back in time, even researchers and scientist cannot know for sure where humanity originated. I think it was in Turkey or some place in the Middle East, but who knows? It's all a guessing game.
And I absolutely believe that Neanderthals didn't die out--they mated with Cro-Magnons. Put any two groups of humanoids together and what happens? Sexual contact happens. Why, there used to be a guy who lived in my home town who looked like the model for the illustrations of Neanderthals. DNA from him would have been cinched it.
Comment on The First Brits? - Nov 1, 2010 1:03 PM ()
Apropriately Hallo-weeny!!
Comment on 'Twas a Thundery Night in Neath . . . - Nov 1, 2010 12:54 PM ()
We have a new Dollar General store in our teeny town far in the backwoods, and I love that place! I am so far from everything to have a dollar store here is just wonderful!!
As for husbands, my ex never sent a dime of child support, never sent the girls a birthday card, never phoned them, nothing. I raised them alone and don't know whether it was worse that he never contacted them, or if it'd been worse for him to be showing up hostile and causing scenes.
Comment on The Power of Six Bucks - Nov 1, 2010 12:40 PM ()
About biting: I had a sister who was a biter--when we were children, if you crossed her, you might get bitten. She was famous for it. So one day a woman visited the house bringing along her daughter, and she and my sister got into a fight, and the girl bit my sister hard on the arm. No one had ever bitter my sister, and that put an end to it after she had a taste of it herself!
Now I'm gonna say something you may not like. Tenderness and sadness and pity for Julian isn't gonna help him. I know about that. Been there, Done that.
When you're gone, he will be in a world where he will have to learn to face life as independently as possible. I hope as he grows older, he will be in a school that fosters independence as much as he is capable of. You're in a slump right now, in deep, immersed, overwhelmed. Please try to find a support group to bolster your spirits and find kindred spirits to talk to.
Comment on Tricks and Treats and Stuff in Between - Nov 1, 2010 12:25 PM ()

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