So, good folks, the temperature down here in South Mississippi has been 100 degrees with heat index making it feel like 110. Time to stay in--But if I had a swimming pool, I'd be in it. If I knew anyone with a pool I'd beg to let me take a dip in it. Eschewing that, some people around here swim in local creeks and rivers. When our kids were growing up, my sister and I would take them to a swim hole at Cypress Creek. Sandy shore, and a cold spring fed pool in the creek was so refreshing. The kids would come home sunburned, hungry and tired--and ready to go back next day.
Well, fresh produce is bountiful now--Good Samaritans have brought me corn, tomatoes, cukes, potatoes and squash from their gardens. Good eating for sure.
On another subject, my neighbor across the road has three Texas long horned cattle in his enclosure now. They are so interesting to look at, and as they graze, cattle egrets follow nearby to pick up any insects the animals stir up. They are beautiful white birds; I enjoy looking at them too.
And speaking of birds, my beleagured mockingbirds I thought had been scared away by the pruning of their rosebush home are still there, feeding little peepers. They must have accepted me and the car and the rest of the daily racket around them. I see them flying over the yard, and feel honored they come every year to my house. I love those birds.
On another subject: yesterday the Big K where I buy gas was robbed. I paid the district manager who was there checking on things. Noticed he had fair hair and blue eyes that matched his blue shirt, and very smooth unblemished skin and a dimple--and a wedding band. Blond and blue, my kind of guy. Sigh. Some women have all the luck!