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Life & Events > The Gong Show Updated

The Gong Show Updated

The news has been unremittingly bad and depressing, so when the current version of The Gong Show (America's Got Talent)comes on I look forward to it.
You remember the Gong Show? Chuck Barris would bring on these acts and a panel would vote on it and gong them off if they really stunk. The Gong Show really caused furor and network ire when Barris had a couple of girls called the Popsicle Twins come on, and their act? Suggestively licking a popsicle as if it were--well, you know.

On America's Got Talent (AGT), a panel of three, Piers Morgan, Sharon Osborn (Ozzie) and Howie Mandel see the 90 second scts and have "X" buzzers to buzz off the worst acts.
I laughed so much last night at a woman who was going to do a dog act with a bunch of white chihuahuas. She let them out and then let out a crowd of other dogs. Before she could start getting them to jump through hoops or anything, one chihuahua started humping another and one dog jumped off the stage and into the audience. Total pandemonium. She was immediately buzzed off. But it was funny.

Then there was the 50 year old woman whose act was twirling flaming swords. She told the panel she was blind in one eye. She lights up the ends of the swords and twirled them around--large knives and fire at the same time--one sword slung out of her hands toward the panel--they ducked underneath the desk with their heads covered. It was funny.
Then there was a 70 year old woman with orange hair in a beehive hairdo, wearing what we used to call black cherry lipstick, who says she sings like Patsy Cline. She came out with an electric keyboard and dawdled around trying to tune it up. She started to sing in a voice that sounded like chalk on a blackboard and the audience boo-ed, so she started to yodel--they liked that better. What's funny is that these really bad singers think they sound terrific.
One singer was an audience favorite who called himself Miss Poppycock. He came out dressed like KIng Louis XVI in green silks and ruffles and an elaborate white wig and sang "Figaro Figaro Figaro Figggg..aro."

The show is truly entertaining. I laughed so much. See it if you can. There have been some amazing magicians on the show, and a singer, a black woman who has sung on the subways of NYC for 30 years, (also the mother of the actress who played "Precious") who has a voice that won her a standing ovation. Magnificent voice--she sang "At last, my man has come along, my lonely nights are over, and life is but a song..." I'd buy a CD of her singing right now if she had one.

Bye for now, susil

posted on June 23, 2010 9:18 AM ()


We are so glad you enjoyed the dog act on AGT! We love that our Chihuahua pack makes people laugh and smile. We also love the way you wrote about it...I don't mind getting laughed at. However, there is a sad story behind it. Reality IS NOT reality. They did not show any of our act. In fact, we were not X'd until I had quit and ended the act. They couldn't and wouldn't show the real deal. There was a lot of drama to go into, but what they did show was me rushing around collecting my Chihuahua's to rush 3 dogs to the emergency vet after Nick Cannon (the host) CHASED some of our dogs OFF THE TALL STAGE. The rules I placed to all their crew members was that no one was to collect the dogs except our team...let alone abuse, scare and chase them off the stage. There is about 45 minutes of footage they cut out including the act itself. You can view the real act we threw together in an hour, as per producers request on YouTube Channel: juleromechihuahuas or

Tiny Talent

comment by dogsgonewild on June 25, 2010 12:06 AM ()
Dear dogsgonewild; I figured there was a lot of editing etc. on AGT, and sorry your dogs were injured. Any act with dogs normally gets positive votes because you know Sharon Osborn loves dogs.
Even though you didn't get to finish your act, I want you to know I enjoyed it--and your chihuahuas were so cute!
reply by susil on June 25, 2010 10:14 AM ()
I will try to watch it. I need all the laughter I can get.
comment by elderjane on June 24, 2010 9:01 AM ()
Hi jeri; What can I say--I'm easy to please maybe, but enjoy that show!
reply by susil on June 25, 2010 10:19 AM ()
I like that show, too. Sometimes I wonder why they vote some of them through. I think Gabi's (aka Precious) mother was my favorite so far, followed by the Figaro singer, although I don't know if he would be a good act for Vegas.
comment by troutbend on June 23, 2010 7:10 PM ()
They have voted through some of the worst acts imaginable--like the guy who swallowed three feet of string, then pulled it out through a hole in his abdomen. What are they thinking??
reply by susil on June 25, 2010 10:22 AM ()
And I wonder why I don't watch much TV.....
comment by jjoohhnn on June 23, 2010 4:28 PM ()
jj; Even you would have gotten a kick out of some of those acts!
reply by susil on June 25, 2010 10:25 AM ()
yes remember this well.Was there something about Chuck Barrie there.
Cannot remember but do think that there was some kind of problems?
comment by fredo on June 23, 2010 10:10 AM ()
fredo I think the Popsicle twins is what got The Gong Show booted off TV; censors were always upset about acts on the show.
reply by susil on June 25, 2010 10:27 AM ()

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