What in the world is wrong with Gen. Stanley McChrystal? He must have my CSU (Can't Shut Up) disorder. He knew better than to go public--to Rolling Stone mag no less, with snide comments about the Commander in Chief and the Vice President. I think McChrystal may be under so much stress in that dead end useless military action he's involved in that he cracked and said things better left to mutter to himself in the shower--not to a magazine. Subliminally I think he wanted to get fired.
I feel sorry for him, but he knew better. He should have learned from the Truman/MacArthur story.
I heard two doofusses on the radio saying "Obama has no idea of what war is about and we need somebody like McChrystal to run the country, yadda yadda yadda." Yea, and become what? a nation run by the military, like some South American and African countries? Noooo. That's why there should always be a civilian Commander in Chief over the military to quash gung ho rifle totin' fervor that would put people in power that think bullets solve everything.
Putting the military in charge never works, going all the way back in history; read what happened to the Romans when that occurred.
entitled to which was magnamimous on Obama's part.