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News From Mississippi

Life & Events > Good Things and Bad Things

Good Things and Bad Things

GOOD: Yesterday saw that one of the Longhorn cattle across the road had birthed a calf. It is the cutest little thing. Its hide is colored as if someone had pulled a black sock across its face and upper chest; the rest of it bears the splotchy Longhorn coloring. I could have looked at it for a long time, but there's no place to park safely on the side of the road to gaze at it. It's just precious.

BAD: My daughter has been in a mess for a 2 weeks now with a drippy Trane central unit in her new home. The unit is in the ATTIC; which sounds like a stupid place to put it, but everyone says that's where builders are putting central units now. The thing has leaked out onto the drywall and through her roof in one spot. The homebuilder/contractor shied away saying it wasn't his problem.

The installer of the Trane has sent guys out three or four times, and none of them seem to know what's the problem. Last night they had NO air because the Stooges took parts of the unit away. (Also, the Stooges say that it might be her fault because part of the drainage problem might be a clog throught my Grand-daughter's bathroom plumbing. They checked-no problem there. A central unit that drains through bathroom plumbing??) What a screwed up way to do things.

RIDICULOUS: Listening to Rick and Bubba radio show this mornning--they had a guy on named Derek Issacs who went on a dinosauir fossil expedition to Montana. Derek says he found dinosaur remains that still contains red blood cells (!!) and that proves that Creationism not evolution is the answer. These fossil remains were between layers of rocks, but this guy is adamant that his find proves that carbon dating methods are erroneous and Noah had baby dinosaurs on the ark and the world is not millions of years old, just a few thousand etc. Rick Burgess, (Rush Limbaugh junior type) got upset when a paleontologist called in to disagree. It's embarrassing to be a southerner and hear Rick and Bubba on the radio agreeing with Issacs on such dimbulb ideas.

GOOD: Last night on "America's Got Talent," the show featured You-Tube acts that had been voted on by viewers. There was a plumber who called himself a dancer, when he was more of an acrobat; there was a piano playing youth; a really bad comedian; etc. But they saved the most popular till last. A 10 year old little blond girl sang an operatic aria with the most beautiful voice imaginable. Her singing voice was that of a mature woman--it was pure and sweet and powerful. So wonderful was she that at the end the judges stood and applauded her, this little girl with the voice of an angel.


posted on Aug 11, 2010 9:01 AM ()


Su, your pearly gates story reminds me of another NY'r cartoon, where a woman is looking at St. Peter with dismay while he points thumbs down. "It's because I have fat thighs, isn't it?" she cries.
comment by tealstar on Aug 12, 2010 5:58 PM ()
Actually, I am familiar with squat and found the kid on YouTube and she is phenomenal. Ed worries that she'll be hurt by the exposure because she is so young. Glad your daughter got her thingy fixed. You have to be firm with some contractors or they'll walk all over you.
comment by tealstar on Aug 11, 2010 8:40 PM ()
Hi; I'm glad you found the little girl--one of the judges on the show says he is being stopped by people and asked if the girl was lip synching. They say she wasn't. I agree with Ed that she's awfully young to be exposed to celebrity life.
PS I'm gonna send a copy of a cartoon to my daughter I cut out of the New Yorker decades ago: A contractor dies and is standing before St. Peter at the pearly gates. Down below a devil with a pitchfork is grinning from ear to ear. St. Peter is looking in the book of life and pointing downward, saying "A contractor, heh? There's no question where you're going!"
reply by susil on Aug 12, 2010 12:26 PM ()
I'll try to find the kid on YouTubve for the show for Aug. 10, right? Meanwhile, is there a consumer advocate, either newspaper columnist, or some other venue, who could showcase your daughter's problem and embarrass the builder?
comment by tealstar on Aug 11, 2010 11:22 AM ()
The You Tube winner will be chosen tonight Wed. 11th, but I'm sure you could find her on You Tube but I don't know squat about that.
I just spoke to my daughter and after numerous visits from the Stooges, she had to get in their face and threaten them with an attorney--suddenly this morning, here they come with the new part it needed and repaired it. She's a Christian, a believer in the meek shall inheirit the earth kind, but learned that sometimes you have to get feisty to get things done.
reply by susil on Aug 11, 2010 5:21 PM ()
Sorry about your daughter's air conditioner woes. It is hot in Texas!
They are putting the units in the attic now and it sounds really stupid to
me too.
comment by elderjane on Aug 11, 2010 10:49 AM ()
Jeri my daughter said she, her husband and daughter and their dog almost fried in their house last night it got so hot. They should have went to a motel to stay cool.
I would never let a contractor install a unit in the attic. My daughter says it was so hot up there she thought the Stooges might heat stroke. Why don't builders have attic exhaust fans to keep the attics cool? She says they don't put roof turbines on houses anymore.
reply by susil on Aug 11, 2010 5:26 PM ()
That little girl was just amazing. Like they said, I was waiting for the grown woman to come out of the wings and admit the little girl was lip syncing. I liked the dog named Pup act - the guitar player was really very good, and it looked like Pup's accordion malfunctioned and nobody tried to fix it. The plumber act was just an embarrassment. But what about the magician? I enjoyed seeing how tickled Sharon Osborne got about it, but it really was a good act.
comment by troutbend on Aug 11, 2010 10:19 AM ()
I thought Pup's owner was brave to keep on playing his guitar and singing after Pup tried his part once and stopped.
That magician trick was something--how did he pull that string across his neck without cutting himself? Sharon got a kick out of Howie's reaction.
reply by susil on Aug 11, 2010 5:30 PM ()

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