GOOD: Yesterday saw that one of the Longhorn cattle across the road had birthed a calf. It is the cutest little thing. Its hide is colored as if someone had pulled a black sock across its face and upper chest; the rest of it bears the splotchy Longhorn coloring. I could have looked at it for a long time, but there's no place to park safely on the side of the road to gaze at it. It's just precious.
BAD: My daughter has been in a mess for a 2 weeks now with a drippy Trane central unit in her new home. The unit is in the ATTIC; which sounds like a stupid place to put it, but everyone says that's where builders are putting central units now. The thing has leaked out onto the drywall and through her roof in one spot. The homebuilder/contractor shied away saying it wasn't his problem.
The installer of the Trane has sent guys out three or four times, and none of them seem to know what's the problem. Last night they had NO air because the Stooges took parts of the unit away. (Also, the Stooges say that it might be her fault because part of the drainage problem might be a clog throught my Grand-daughter's bathroom plumbing. They checked-no problem there. A central unit that drains through bathroom plumbing??) What a screwed up way to do things.
RIDICULOUS: Listening to Rick and Bubba radio show this mornning--they had a guy on named Derek Issacs who went on a dinosauir fossil expedition to Montana. Derek says he found dinosaur remains that still contains red blood cells (!!) and that proves that Creationism not evolution is the answer. These fossil remains were between layers of rocks, but this guy is adamant that his find proves that carbon dating methods are erroneous and Noah had baby dinosaurs on the ark and the world is not millions of years old, just a few thousand etc. Rick Burgess, (Rush Limbaugh junior type) got upset when a paleontologist called in to disagree. It's embarrassing to be a southerner and hear Rick and Bubba on the radio agreeing with Issacs on such dimbulb ideas.
GOOD: Last night on "America's Got Talent," the show featured You-Tube acts that had been voted on by viewers. There was a plumber who called himself a dancer, when he was more of an acrobat; there was a piano playing youth; a really bad comedian; etc. But they saved the most popular till last. A 10 year old little blond girl sang an operatic aria with the most beautiful voice imaginable. Her singing voice was that of a mature woman--it was pure and sweet and powerful. So wonderful was she that at the end the judges stood and applauded her, this little girl with the voice of an angel.