As usual I've been having lots of trouble with Methuselah, my ancient computer. So I call up AT&T tech support help line and got connected to "Gary" in India. I say "I think I've been hacked into and someone has changed my password."
Then I tell "Gary" I have dial up and Microsoft Windows 98. He almost laughed at this ancient setup.
"Gary" says in a heavily accented voice that I barely diciphered, that Windows 98 is not being supported by Microsoft anymore and I need Windows 7, so he says "Why would anyone want to hack into that?"
I was kind of offended--after all I'm an American, and he probably lives in an Indian tenement with baboons running over the roof and cattle roaming the streets, bless his heart. I mean, a third world person dissing my old pc was off putting, but he obviously has something "The American" does not--a good pc setup.
"Gary" recommended a Dell laptop, so maybe eventually that's what it'll be. Maybe then I'll be able to post photos and such.
Bye for now