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Banish Football from Schools
Banish Football from Schools
There's been a bit of a hullabaloo at the University of Southern Mississippi; students are paying higher tuition, as everything has gone up of course--but students are not happy with how much money is going to support the college football program. Well, here's a radical idea. Banish football from universities, and while you're at it, high schools too.
Passing by the elementary school the other day, I saw these small kids practicing football in the field out front. They should have been in class taking a science course or something practical. But nooo, it's heresy to say eliminate time spent practicing and playing football in the South. Maybe it's that way everywhere, I don't know. But down here, people are football crazy.
But what about the girls? The boys are out running around in the sunshine and getting exercise, while schools have cut out PE classes where everybody had to get some exercise. That isn't fair to girls.
In colleges, students, and it's mostly black students, are spending their time practicing and playing football instead of cracking the books. Every day almost, there is a story in the paper about this and that football player who's in trouble for various offenses and being arrested for assault, drunkeness so on and so on. When do they have time to study? They obviously don't. So what kind of football grads are the Universities producing? Dimbulbs and numbskulls, learning being sacrificed for the glory of playing football.
Schools should be a place to go and get educated. Sports should have it's own schools where students can play lots of ball and get a degree to work at Burger King when they graduate. As if that's not happening already.
posted on Oct 6, 2010 10:46 AM ()
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