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Life & Events > Banish Football from Schools

Banish Football from Schools

There's been a bit of a hullabaloo at the University of Southern Mississippi; students are paying higher tuition, as everything has gone up of course--but students are not happy with how much money is going to support the college football program. Well, here's a radical idea. Banish football from universities, and while you're at it, high schools too.

Passing by the elementary school the other day, I saw these small kids practicing football in the field out front. They should have been in class taking a science course or something practical. But nooo, it's heresy to say eliminate time spent practicing and playing football in the South. Maybe it's that way everywhere, I don't know. But down here, people are football crazy.
But what about the girls? The boys are out running around in the sunshine and getting exercise, while schools have cut out PE classes where everybody had to get some exercise. That isn't fair to girls.

In colleges, students, and it's mostly black students, are spending their time practicing and playing football instead of cracking the books. Every day almost, there is a story in the paper about this and that football player who's in trouble for various offenses and being arrested for assault, drunkeness so on and so on. When do they have time to study? They obviously don't. So what kind of football grads are the Universities producing? Dimbulbs and numbskulls, learning being sacrificed for the glory of playing football.

Schools should be a place to go and get educated. Sports should have it's own schools where students can play lots of ball and get a degree to work at Burger King when they graduate. As if that's not happening already.


posted on Oct 6, 2010 10:46 AM ()


Since I am a huge football fan, I would have to vote against your proposal. Our football program at OU and OSU supports itself as well as all the non-profitable sports at the two universities. Title Nine guarantees that women have equal access to the same or comparable sports programs both in high school and college. OU football restored respectibility to Oklahoma at a time when people needed a rallying point, following the Great Depression. Yes, our coaches make huge salaries; but they put their job on the line every time their team takes the field; and there's no tenure for a coach. By the way, we have a number of athletes who are academic All-Americans every year. I don't know how they find time to study; but they do.
comment by redimpala on Oct 8, 2010 10:10 AM ()
Hi red; sounds like you have some outstanding programs at OU and OSU-but--schools and colleges place way too much emphasis on sports and not enough on academic programs. Here at USM, professors were fired from the foreign languages programs, the writing programs and four other things--but the holy grail of football program wasn't touched. Nope, people ought to rally over learning, not sports--way to much of it.
reply by susil on Oct 11, 2010 8:42 AM ()
When college football games started being televised on Thursdays I was wondering when those kids were supposed to go to class or do any studying. The ones who don't become huge overpaid sports stars either due to lack of talent or injury generally don't have anything to fall back on.
comment by troutbend on Oct 6, 2010 5:19 PM ()
You are so right.
reply by susil on Oct 6, 2010 11:31 PM ()
Ted and I joke about how football players should not be allowed to comment when asked because it displays s lack of intellect. But let's face it, society rewards those guys far beyond anything a PHD is going to do for you. Our values are all wrong.
comment by elderjane on Oct 6, 2010 2:34 PM ()
Hi jeri; sorry to say that you are right. I might write a letter to the editor about this subject, and see if the paper will do a follow up on some of the grads who played college football five or ten years ago, and see what kind of careers they have now--if any.
reply by susil on Oct 6, 2010 11:27 PM ()
You are 100% correct!! There is a country song on the radio these days about the boys of fall. Really disgusting! The get to wear the game jerseys to class. Something about "kings of the school; the boys of fall". NBC was doing a segment each day on Nightly News last week about education. Finland is #1 in the world when it comes to education: the kids spend more time doing course work, and guess what? There was no mention at all about sports. In a rural area like where I am, I hate to think about how much fuel is wasted every week hauling these teams 50 and 100 miles to games. Then the schools want new buses when they put too many miles on them|! I'm afraid teal is correct, maybe with time....
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 6, 2010 1:20 PM ()
Hi jj; same thing here in Mississippi with the school buses.
I hear Obama wants to increase the school year; even to year round school, which might not be a bad idea. Lots of countries do it, but try to increase the school year and cut out football or soccer the US would cause a big uproar--parents and school wouldn't stand for it. We are a country graduating dummies, kids who can't read, point out Canada on a world map, or know zilch about history. Shameful.
reply by susil on Oct 6, 2010 11:56 PM ()
You make some good points but a change in the system won't happen till big money stops supporting it. Poor kids think football is the way to their American dream. But you're right, everything else suffers. The whole way of providing healthy physical education for both genders has to be rethought and it has to be depoliticized. Frankly, I don't see how this will be done because powerful people don't want it.
comment by tealstar on Oct 6, 2010 12:31 PM ()
Hi teal; there are two universities in Hattiesburg; USM has the overblown football program and has fired professors and cut out their courses--meanwhile they pay a football coach and go overboard supporting the football team.
William Carey University doesn't have a football team, and their finances are in good enough shape that they opened a medical school this year, which makes it clear football takes away a lot of time and support from other programs.
reply by susil on Oct 6, 2010 11:40 PM ()

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