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Once In A Lifetime

Life & Events > Life


As a child I would question myself quite often: If people didn't like me, would I want them to tell me or would I wish to think that they really liked me. I always came up with the same answer. I would want to know. Even as a child I didn't like myself much. I still don't. I can see why others wouldn't. It makes perfect sense to me.

This is probably one reason that I hadn't used a picture over at Blogster and cropped mine so much here. Even so, I always blog anonymously.. I don't show up on the front or in lists of those recently on. I don't want people to know. I even invented another "me" to use when I didn't want anyone to know that I was on, but still felt compelled to answer someone. The anonymous me... some of you know who it is. Most of you don't know. That's good for me.

Me... I don't know how to explain me. I am shy... You know that. I am quiet and self-conscious. I was praised only for my intelligence growing up. How good is that when you're a girl? The movies told me you had to be vivacious, popular, had a killer body... none of this is me. I was good in academics in school and hated physical education, art, music. I disliked things that would reveal anything about me. I once cried when we were introduced to water color painting because I had to paint something. I didn't wish to show that part of me. To this day, I do paint, but I paint landscapes... the very same thing over and over... sky, sea, trees, fields. Nothing else.

The music I like are high voiced male singers... yodeling, falsettos... Here is a player with the kinds of things I like. I have posted some of them before. It is revealing, but I don't know what it reveals. The theme of the song really doesn't matter to me. So the songs can be old or new. I don't know any new songs. YouTube has helped me find some that are relatively new, but not current. There are no current songs in this player.

I often do things that disturb or annoy people without realizing it. If I do that to you, I would prefer to know it. In other words, tell me... please.

It's funny that I like men more than women. I like men because I favored my father... he whom I loved with all my heart... and he left me... very early. I like women who are older. I think that perhaps they would not be so judgemental about me. They probably think the same as younger women do... that I am a complete waste of time. Yes, I know there are exceptions. There are some here who are such wonderful sweethearts. I wish I could know you in real life, but I never will. You dwell without my circle. i once saw a display of Degas figurines, all ballerinas. They were all anchored on a stand which was a circle. That circle represents life to me.

My life has always been a small circle. I wander around in this small tiny circle and rarely leave. Now, I never leave. I cannot see beyond this circle as far as I can see. One reason I blog about the things I do is because I have no life to blog about. There is not much in this tiny circle. So you shouldn't expect much. I already know you don't expect anything. Well, I'm getting my way on that one. This is the end of this post.

posted on Sept 26, 2008 9:16 AM ()


So far as I know you are a sensitive lady. The plus of being sensitive i that you empathise and sympathise with others. The minus of being sensitive is you become too self-conscious, get easily hurt, even over judgemental at yourself. Most likely you are an introvert. I am also an introvert. But I learnt to accept what I am and enjoy being an introvert and for the sake of other try to be a bit extrovert but accepting the fact that I am not. Hope my comments are helpful to you. Wish you and your family blessings and happiness.
comment by andrewtungsk on Oct 23, 2008 5:48 PM ()
I agree with Kristi, from what we can see in your picture, you look promisingly beautiful.
comment by stiva on Sept 28, 2008 8:14 AM ()
My perception of you is so different from the way you perceive yourself. I think you are a warm and caring person. Lovely to look at from the cropped picture on y our avatar, almost too sensitive to other people's feelings. I feel close to you. You are always sweet and helpful to other people on the blog. You are truly part of my life and I hate it when you leave us for awhile.
comment by elderjane on Sept 27, 2008 6:12 AM ()
PS - by looking at your cropped avitar I would have to say you look beautiful!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 26, 2008 7:05 PM ()
just remember that you are your own worst critic, really and truly!!!
No one else pays nearly as much attention to what you think they do, studies prove that time and time again!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 26, 2008 7:03 PM ()
We all have our own personal comfort levels and do what we have to because of them! I know you are one of my best epals!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 26, 2008 12:51 PM ()
EEEEKKK!!! You must be my girl twin LOL. I have always had issues with self-esteem and feeling alone & shy. Luckily I am coming out of that but sitll have issues relating to people. I am not much of a talker and hate being cornered into conversations. I really do get frightened when I have to do a long conversations...I never know how to relate to people or what to talk about!!
comment by panthurdreams on Sept 26, 2008 11:20 AM ()
Sunny, you break my heart!!! How can such a wonderful, sensitive, intuitive, loving and BEAUTIFUL be so full of false images of herself! You are a truly beautiful creature on the inside AND the outside!
The limits that are on our lives, (the "circles" as you call them) are all self-imposed.
I too am a shy person. And I FORCE myself to go out and be with people. (Did you know that MOST actors that I know...people who make their livings OUT IN PUBLIC...are shy, unassuming folks? It's true! The only time I feel I can truly be myself is in a blog post where nobody knows me or on the stage where I can pretend that the feelings I'm emoting are merely those of the character I'm portraying.
Also like you, I want to know when somebody doesn't like me, but I'm crushed when I find it out.
And ALSO like you, my best friends in life happen to be members of the opposite sex. And it's nothing sexual. It's just that, for some reason or another, I seem to relate more to women. Maybe it's because women tend to be more open with their true feelings.
Sunny, I have known you for a long time, and trust me when I tell you that I more than like you. You are a truly special and wonderful person who is VERY important to me!
Again, you break my heart.
comment by hayduke on Sept 26, 2008 10:18 AM ()
I question myself still, but my concern is doing something right. I want to know the right method.

I also like to blog anonymously. That's a weird thing, because having an online presence in a blog is a public, sharing, activity. Otherwise, I am quiet and self-conscious too. I share personal things about my life, but in an impersonal way. I've decide to obscure my name this time, but some people have figured out who I was.

I have an attraction toward art, but don't ... embrace it.

We all have circles of people in our lives at different levels of closeness and separation. I like mine small, but it's twisted too. (I don't mean yours is twisted).
comment by stiva on Sept 26, 2008 9:56 AM ()

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