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Once In A Lifetime

Life & Events > A Complaint

A Complaint

I considered making this topic plural: Complaints. But then I reconsidered, because it is about the state of the world. That is singular. Except it's everything, which makes it plural. Now I'm giving up and just proceeding to THE COMPLAINT.

I keep getting these emails which tell me of a simpler, sweeter, more wonderful world in which everyone got along and everything was sugar and spice and everything nice. Well, let me tell you. That world is an email fantasy. Gas was never 39 cents a gallon. They never had those huge cars that everyone drove with the funny fancy fish tails on the backs. There was never a time when there was no TV so kids played outside. Don't you all see that this is a conspiracy trying to make us long for something that never was?

Which brings us to the penny. The penny is something that they're discussing getting rid of. Well, you see? Why are they talking about getting rid of the penny? Why aren't they talking about getting rid of that idiotic 9/10 of a cent at the end of every gas price? What is nine-tenths of a cent? Why is it ALWAYS there? Why can't one single gas price be without it? Not once in my entire life have I seen a gas price that didn't have that attached. Who are they trying to kid anyway? Let them get rid of that, and then we'll talk about the penny. I will vote for whichever candidate admits that the nine-tenths of a cent is absurd and vows to end it. Then I expect him to actually do it.

Then there are the ridiculous earthquakes in California. I think that that is a direct result of all of the digging for oil, especially the thinking about drilling off the coast. If we have all of these empty cavities beneath the earth, of course there will continue to be earthquakes... in CALIFORNIA!!!! That is unacceptable. If there were earthquakes anywhere else, it would be a different story, but they are in CALIFORNIA!!!! Stop the digging. Start using windmills. Solar panels are another thing to think about. NOT nuclear.... or as George puts it... nucular. The nuclear plants put us in great danger in CALIFORNIA where there are earthquakes. What would happen if a nuclear plant were cracked open by an earthquake? We would die. Well, the dying part would be natural, but all of the symptoms that we could have before we died would be just catastrophic. We could grow two heads; we could have our insides on the outside. It would not be a pretty sight. People all over the world would be subjected to looking at us because of the invasive nature of the internet. Now isn't that an awful thought?

Oh... back to the fantasy world... There were never those huge white screens outside where people would park in their cars to watch movies... well, actually fool around in the dark cars. There were never places where you parked and got served and ate right there. Drive-throughs, yes. Park and eat, no. Coke and milk never came in glass bottles. Where would they get all that glass? And, men never walked on the moon... well, that's not about us, is it? Off the topic... Back to the topic. There was never a time when women didn't have the vote. How ridiculous is that? Denying the vote to the brighter of the two genders? Look at Bill and Hillary. Who do you think is smarter, NOT better liked... smarter! There was never a time when men walked to each house with the mail. People NEVER actually knew their mail persons. Elvis never existed. They made a robot and made him perfect. They named him Elvis and pretended that he did all kinds of self-destructive things because they couldn't keep up the pretense. Then they killed him off. Done with Elvis.

Now you see how they tried to fool us all? Well, I'm not fooled. I will never be fooled. Hmmm, maybe I should run for president the next time around and I will get rid of the nine-tenths of a penny! I will make Buggs my VP. (She only needs one term as P.) That way I will be assured of a win.

I once saw an old movie of a woman who couldn't be fooled by those chapter movies (which never existed either). I think she didn't win the presidency, but she got herself her favorite author. She named her favorite pig after someone in one of his books. She kept the author for a long time, but he got away. She wasn't as committed as I am. .... I wonder if Buggs likes pigs?

........Dedicated to the end of The King robot, Elvis, almost two weeks before the anniversary thereof.

posted on Aug 4, 2008 8:16 PM ()


Darlin you ok over there???
comment by elfie33 on Aug 6, 2008 2:10 PM ()
When I was 16, my boyfriend would drive into a gas station, count the money in his pockets, and ask for "32 cents worth of regular". That was good
for a couple of days. Now you tell me it never happened. I was
never there ... gasp, choke ... silence.
comment by tealstar on Aug 6, 2008 11:41 AM ()
If you're curious about the 9/10, try this:
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 5, 2008 4:30 PM ()
As my Daddy would say, "They can keep the 'good old days', I like the current ones much better!" This post was (as we say in Georgia) a real hoot!
comment by mzscarlett on Aug 5, 2008 12:30 PM ()
This was fun sweetie. I loved reading it and am glad you are back home with us.
comment by elderjane on Aug 5, 2008 11:06 AM ()
This was such an interesting post. I have always thought it bizarre that they have the 9/10 thing on gas. I guess it is like pricing items at ?.99 or ?.95 rather than just rouding it off. It subconsciously gets the buyer to not realize how much they are really paying.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 5, 2008 10:34 AM ()
Wow! This is imaginative, funny, serious and a wonderful read! I thoroughly enjoyed myself here! Glad to have you back, Sunni! By the way, I must be a figment of your imagination, because I REMEMBER all of those things that you say never existed! (AND I can attest to your assertion that nobody ever actually watched movies while sitting (or lying in) those darkened automobiles at the drive-ins!.
I'm so happy to have you here again!!!!
comment by hayduke on Aug 5, 2008 3:53 AM ()
"I will vote for whichever candidate admits that the nine-tenths of a cent is absurd and vows to end it".I will send this on to Barack Obama for you.A penny cost more to make then it's worth too.I wish I could go back to the good old days that never were.You and Buggs can have my vote.I really enjoyed your post.
comment by dogsalot on Aug 4, 2008 9:21 PM ()
comment by texastar on Aug 4, 2008 8:41 PM ()
comment by jondude on Aug 4, 2008 8:37 PM ()

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