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Redheaded Life

Life & Events > Survey


Haven't posted anything in a while, and found this so I updated my answers and figured I'd put it here:

1. One of your scars, how did you get it?
On my right tit (yeah, I said it) from having a lump removed...turned out to be nothing THANK GOD!

2. What is on the walls in your room?
okay...MY room or OUR room - the room I sleep in is OUR room and since I moved into my husband's house that he had already "decorated." We have lots of concert posters, concert ticket stubs, and even some signed rock-n-roll paraphernalia.....the spare bedroom is MY room (aka, my walk-in closet) and there are dried flowers, Janis and Jerry photos and a rivers and streams map of New England that for some reason does NOT include Maine....isn't Maine part of New England??

3. Do you snore, grind your teeth, or talk in your sleep?
not that I'm aware of....I know if I'm sick (stuffed up) I snore....I whine when I'm half-asleep and don't want to get up or be disturbed....

4. What type of music do you listen to?
pretty much anything....well, haven't listened to the "radio" much these mostly classic rock and whatever happens to be on my ipod

6. What do you want more than anything right now?
to be in shape

7. What do you miss?
my Dad

8. What is/are your most prized possessions?
my Faith, friends and family, knowledge....

9. How tall are you?
5' 9 3/4" (I usually just say 5'10")

10. Do you get claustrophobic?
not by conventional definition, but if I am out shopping too long I get antsy and very irritable (yes, I'm a woman who does NOT like to shop)

11. Do you get scared in the dark?
only if I hear very strange noises and my overactive imagination gets the best of me

12. The last person to make you cry? one MADE me cry....I usually cry because I am overcome with emotion (which isn't hard to do) - but I cried like a baby while watching "Where the Wild Things Are" the other night.

13. What is your favorite cologne/perfume?
depends on my mood....

14. What kind of hair/eye color do you like on the opposite sex?my husbands

15. Where can you see yourself being proposed to at?
is this question proper English? I've already been proposed to and it was great!

16. Coffee or energy drink?

17. What is your favorite pizza topping?
mushrooms, unless it's Colony (which, btw, is the MOST AMAZING pizza place where I grew up) then it's pepperoni and hot oil

18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
well now you got me thinking about Colony!

20. Have you ever eaten goldfish?
not a live one, but I like the crackers

21. What was the first meaningful gift you ever received?

22. Do you like anybody?

23. Are you double jointed?

24. Favorite clothing brand?
what is on sale and looks good (I'm not a brand person)

25. Best place to kiss?
anywhere the mood strikes

26. Do you have a pet right now?

27. What kind is it?
Cat - Boo - She LOVES us, but not so much other people

28. Would you fall in love knowing the person is leaving?
okay, seriously, what kind of question is this?? EVERYONE LEAVES (you know, no one is immortal) so YES!

29. What is the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you?
listening, helping when they need it, thanking them, telling them face to face, doing something random....

30. Say a number from 1 to 100:

32. What is the number you call the most?

33. What annoys you the most?
people who lie (and I'm not talking little white lies here folks)

34. Have you been out of the US?

35. Your weaknesses?

36. Met anyone famous?
Gene Wilder, Dan Lauria, Fred Savage, Andre the Giant, Lewis Black....ya know, there are others but who really cares? they are just people- well, maybe with the exception of Gene Wilder - he's AMAZING

37. First job?
Other than babysitting? TCBY baby....

38. Ever done a prank call?
I was young once....gosh, I remember calling people with a small child's voice asking for Santa and when they told us he wasn't there we'd throw a fit...some people actually pretended to be Santa just to quiet us down....

39. First concert?
well...there was a Steely Dan cover band....ugh, New Kids on The Block, but it was NOT because I liked them, my best friend had tix and wanted me to go...but I guess first REAL concert was Billy Idol and Faith No More opened for them....

40. Ever had surgery?

41. What were you doing before you filled this out?
wasting time on the computer, watching SNL

42. What do you get complimented about the most?
my hair

43. Have you ever had glasses?
I have them on now

44. What do you want for your birthday?
a spa day!

45. How many kids do you want?

46. Were you named after anyone?
my Dad - Michele is Michael in Italian

47. Do you wish on stars?
nope - having the Faith I have, I do not believe in wishes but in prayers.

48. What kind of chapstick do you use?
Um...I believe chapstick is a brand folks! But I use Aveeno lip moisturizer

49. Do you believe in love at first sight?

50. Do you like your handwriting?

51. What is your favorite lunch meat?
honey maple ham very thinly sliced

52. Any bad habits?

53. What CD are you most embarrassed to have on your shelf?
Yanni - I used to use it to fall asleep to

54. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
If I was another person I wouldn't be me so how is that even possible?

55. Class that surprised you the most so far?
what's a class? lol

56. Do looks matter?
to a certain degree of course they do, but I also believe a person's personality can make them more or less attractive

57. How do you release anger?
blasting music...writing....and if you get me angry enough, I'll yell...but TRUST ME, you don't want to see me that angry

58. Where is your second home?
I'm not that rich

59. Favorite place to clear your mind?
the Camp

60. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I would have to say my lime green portable RECORD player (yes RECORDS)

61. How many numbers are in your cell phone?
10 - 0-9 - LOL

62.Were you a fan of Barney as a kid?
Barney wasn't around when I was a kid, but I don't think I would have been....I liked the Muppets, the Banana Splits, The Magic Garden...

63. Do you use sarcasm?
what's that?

64. Mashed potatoes or mac 'n cheese? 'n cheese

65. What do you look for in a girl/guy?
intelligence, sense of humor, honesty, humility, looks, understanding....

66. What are your nicknames?
Red, Mich, Hon....

67. What's your favorite band/singer?
oh man, I don't think I can pick just one - Grateful Dead is way up there though

68. What's your favorite TV show?
Nurse Jackie, Southland, House, Family Guy, U.S. of Tara....too many apparently

69. Favorite ice cream flavor?

70. Do you have all your fingers and toes?
last time I checked

71. When was the last time you worked out?
the other morning

72. Did you notice that there was no #19?
I did

73. Do you want everyone to answer these questions?

74. What are you listening to?

75. Last thing you drank?

76. Last person you talked to on the phone?
my Mom

77. The first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

78. Favorite story-telling song?
Taxi by Harry Chapin

79. Favorite thing to hate?
stupid people

80. Favorite month of the year?

81. Zodiac sign?
Gemini, Gemini

82. Favorite thing to collect?

83. What is your hair color?

84. Eye color?

85. Favorite fast food place?
ewww...but if I HAVE to I prefer Subway

86. Favorite restaurant?
can't say I have an absolute favorite....

posted on Mar 13, 2010 8:51 PM ()

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