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A Path

Life & Events > Shopping 20080922

Shopping 20080922

This past weekend and last weekend I've visited several pet stores, including an aquarium shop, looking at the equipment they have for setting up and caring for aquariums ("aquaria" is a real word, but people don't use it). That's more shopping than I usually do. I try to follow the idea of asking yourself: do I *need* to buy this or just want it? There's a difference. The related question is: how does this fit in with what I already have? The couple books that I have read on simple living say that questions like that eliminates a lot of wasted money on senseless purchases.

Before Kitty was born, we used to have an aquarium, so I remember some things from those fish-care days. I think we will need all the things we've bought so far. Some of them are early, but when the fish are ready for the bigger aquarium (one of the purchases), we'll be ready.

One shopping area that I'd like to cut down on is books. Especially if I'm going to have more free time on the weekends, I'll probably be reading more. Dolly reads the same type of books that her father does. He's retired and reads a lot. No way can she keep up with the stream of books from him.

On the other hand, it seems that the books I want are rarely ones that the library has, so I end up buying them, usually from amazon, because the local book stores often don't have them either. Amazon is good because they recommend books based on what I have rated and bought. I think that saves money because it increases the chances that I would like them. I could buy used ones from amazon, but they ship from different used-book sellers, so the shipping costs really add up, and the whole "buy locally" concept is blown way out of proportion. Alibris, ahhh, I need to check with that site again.

posted on Sept 22, 2008 8:22 AM ()


Sometimes you "need" some things that others don't! It's your only life... Enjoy yourself! Amazon is good! I usually buy the used books, CDs, DVDs. They usually come as quickly as Amazon's. If they get lost in the mail, they're pretty good at replacement or money back.
comment by sunlight on Sept 22, 2008 6:07 PM ()
Wants and needs, so totally different but most people rarely even think of that. I NEED to have a Mercedes is actually I WANT to have a Mercedes. Recognize the difference and life becomes much simpler. However it never hurts to recognize the wants in your life once in a while, like I WANT chocolate is always a good one.
comment by lizbeth on Sept 22, 2008 4:24 PM ()
I've been a big buyer on ebay for my used books, since most of the "stores" will combine shipping. I have found some pretty good finds, but no features like recommendations. Still I can buy tons of used books generally for a one rate ship cost and now I have to buy a new book shelve
comment by ducky on Sept 22, 2008 3:59 PM ()
We used to have a couple of aquariums in our younger married days. Then after a few years it got to be too much of a hassle. It is a lot of work and right before our son was born we gave the fish back to the fish store. Then drained and cleaned our aquariums and stands and sold them. We kind of yearned for them again but by that time we were renting an apt. then a house and most renters won't allow aquariums because of the potential leaking of aquariums. Some do I guess but most won't. So, we just enjoy them at other folk's houses and doctor offices. We live in our own house again and have for over 15 years but, just didn't care to get back into the fish aquariums again. They are very pretty and tranquil to look at even though they are a lot of work!!
comment by texastar on Sept 22, 2008 1:14 PM ()
Just a little tid bit on amazon. Perhaps it's b/c I am young and naieve, but they got me the other day. When I ordered a gift online I *stupidly* hit the button that said no shipping and one day delivery thinking that it *truly* was free. But here it is a month later and they just took $80 out of my account for a one year prime membership. So be careful with them
comment by starlite on Sept 22, 2008 1:12 PM ()
that is one thing I have learned moving from one house to this house. we are keeping things to the minimum. in our old house we had to rent a dumpster for all the junk we had accumulated!
I am also thinking of an aquarium for my son, he is 7.
comment by elkhound on Sept 22, 2008 12:39 PM ()
Great questions especially now with the economy. So much of what I buy is merely to fulfill that want within me. Now, I will ask myself if I really need something!
comment by angiedw on Sept 22, 2008 10:41 AM ()

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