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A Path

Life & Events > Priorities 20081121

Priorities 20081121

Yesterday was kind of a long day. When they came back on the boat, I helped carry equipment from the dock to the lab and downloaded what they had collected. After that there wasn't much for me to do, so I was just waiting until the boss was ready. If there was something any of could do to help her, we would, but it's no fun standing or sitting around just waiting, knowing that much of what she's doing could be done at the hotel and doesn't involve us. Some of it post-processing the events and notes of the day that she has to do, but other stuff is busy work and her email. She can do that on her own time. Other stuff I can do and I have been while they have been out on the boat. I don't know what else could be delegated to me.

Yesterday and the day before one guy took some of the gear we move back and forth everyday and left when he was ready. His attitude is that he doesn't need to be there and he's carrying a load, so why waste his time. Another factor is that she wouldn't carry all that stuff around if she had to move everything herself. I wanted to bail too, but felt too duty bound to leave so stayed and allowed myself to be unhappy about it.

Some time after he left she showed me an email from his wife to her. At breakfast he had said some thing about how this trip has been going better than the last because she not doing things like doing her email at breakfast, i.e., letting work take over everything. Work email is not that important if you're not there. Another part of the breakfast conversation was that his wife likes to hear about what's happening during these trips, but he doesn't check email when on travel. The boss had then sent an email to his wife with an update but writing that he didn't like the boss sending email. She missed the point of his comment. I said as much to her it to her. She continued to work on email for another half hour or so with the other guy and I standing around waiting.

After sitting all day I wanted to go exercise a bit, which is what I did when we came back. I told her that should go without me, meaning I'll vend for myself. Then I just did my stuff and went to the hotel restaurant. Dinner took 15 or 20min. That's the way I like it. I know it's a style thing, but if I had work to do I wouldn't want to go out for a long dinner. I wasn't that hungry and wasn't in the mood to sit and watch them eat.

Today I go out on our collaborator's boat with his instruments to see how he does his data collection. The weather is going to be questionable, but he says we're going because the waves are not going to be that bad and rain is not a problem.

I'm not sure what the rest of our group is going to do, because we need sunny days, or at least sunnier days.

posted on Nov 21, 2008 3:15 AM ()


I think that it is tough in today's world to walk away from our connectivity with email and cell phones, but it is so important to do that. We need to have down time to relax and get interaction with those we are with. I think she needs to chill big time.
I hope you enjoyed your "you" time.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 21, 2008 8:13 AM ()
lol I love Janet's comment. I too think you should channel your inner punk
comment by ducky on Nov 21, 2008 7:28 AM ()
your job sounds interesting I must say. Do you like it? When do you get to go home?
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 21, 2008 7:05 AM ()
It sounds like your boss needs to be knocked down a couple of pegs. Find your inner punk rock Stiva and say, "f*ck this. I'm not waiting around for you".I'll help you channel punk rock Stiva since I get the feeling that he's buried pretty deep.

Hey! Maybe that could be Spot's new adventure! Knocking the boss down off of her holier than thou pedestal.

I think I'm the one who is grouchy today.
comment by janetk on Nov 21, 2008 6:13 AM ()

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